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This was requested by CeilingFan12 AGES ago. Sorry for the lateness, and I also took a bit of liberty with this one. It isn't exactly like what you asked (actually if very different but I really liked some elements to it!). I also just finished watching the Steven Universe series so maybe a little inspiration also came from that? (Yea and I've also been away for a bit but I'm back for now)

(Y/F/S) - your favourite song
also this is a male crush x female reader (hetero relationship)


Despite the forest of flyers printed and the many social media posts, (Y/N) could count on her fingers the amount of people that had actually turned up. The rest of the band was looking pretty disappointed when they walked on stage, but (C/N) was completely crestfallen at the turnout.

"Aw man" He lamented under his breath. The printing had cost a lot of money, and so had hiring the stage and getting a permit to perform out here, in the middle of a public park. But, despite the urge just to give up and walk away, he slung his guitar strap over his shoulders and coughed into the mic nervously. The mic had a sudden moment of ear-piercing reverb and everybody cringed, before (C/N) raised it to his mouth again.

"Thanks so much for coming out tonight, I hope you have a good time and enjoy the show!" Their manager was giving them a thumbs up from the back row, but their smile looked very thin.

Then, the drummer counted in and they all started on their first song. (C/N) began on the lyrics, but halfway through the song he faltered as one of the audience members yawned and left. The rest of the band saw this too, and then the song started going downhill and the energy dropped.

"WOOO! YEA! LET'S GOOOOO!" (Y/N) shouted from the front row, and started dancing to the dying groove. Admittedly, the song really was not that good to dance to or was executed all that well, but she made it work. (C/N) felt a spark of pride swell in his chest at the sight of her. 'She is too cute to be mine' He smiled to himself.

The next 3 songs were definitely better than the opener, now that the band saw that at least someone was enjoying their music, albeit someone they already knew supported them wholeheartedly. (Y/N) danced and sung along, and was having an altogether good time. Her fun was also encouraging the other handful of audience members to enjoy the show.

"Hey, I'd like to dedicate this last song to the wonderful love of my life dancing in the front row. Babe, this one's for you!" (C/N) winked at (Y/N), as a small chorus of wolf whistles came from various placed on stage and in the audience. She giggled with a blush creeping into her cheeks, and her eyes lit up as she heard the intro to her favourite song rip through the speakers.

The band was all into it, and it was one of the best versions (Y/N) had ever heard of the song. She jumped and raved, and enjoyed the last music of the show, however probably not of the night considering she had to share a motel room with her boyfriend and the other three members of his band.

Immediately after the song finished, she rushed backstage (literally just a curtain on a string hooked between the stage and the band van) and tackled (C/N) in a flying hug. Luckily he wasn't carrying an instrument. He pressed a kiss to her cheek and set her down, beaming at her while the rest of the band started to pack down.

"That was so cool!" (Y/N) beamed excitedly, pulling away from the hug. "I loved the way you did (Y/F/S), probably one of my favourite versions yet!"

"Did it just for you babe. I'm glad you enjoyed the show," Her smile faltered as she heard the gloominess in his voice.

"What's wrong? You did amazing tonight, you should feel proud," She said.

"I just... I just wish that more people came to see us, y'know? We practised really hard for this,"

(Y/N) smiled gently, rubbing circles on the backs of his hands. "It's your first show, I bet after tonight you'll have picked up heaps of traction! You performed really well tonight. Hopefully next time more people will come," She took a deep breath "but if they don't, just remember that success doesn't happen overnight, and that good things take time."

After her mini-speech, (C/N) smiled. A full, real one.
"You always know what to say," At this comment she scoffed and thought 'heck I definitely do not', but decided not to say anything.

By the time the band (+ (Y/N), somewhat) had packed up, the sun had just fallen below the horizon, leaving the Earth in a diffused and curious light, where you could see the moon and the stars, but also where you were walking.

"Hey Babe." (C/N) sat himself beside (Y/N), who was sitting in the open boot with crossed legs, grinning at her phone.

"Look! You'll be excited~" She shoved the phone into his face, open on an instagram story. Almost all of the seven strangers who had attended had given the band page a shout-out on their social media stories, tagging the band page.

"Are you for real?!" (C/N)'s eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas morning.

"Yup. And they all tagged the page!"

He excitedly pressed a kiss to his girlfriends lips, and ran off with (Y/N)'s phone to show the rest of the band, who were talking to their manager.
Soon he came back, and lay down with his head on her lap. She began running her fingers through his hair as he rambled about his thoughts and dreams.

"This is gonna be so cool! I can't wait until you and I will be travelling with the boys on a tour, making #1 singles and hitting platinum records!" (Y/N) smiled lovingly down at him.
"I love you. I can't wait to have this journey with you by my side."

"I love you too, rock star boyfriend."

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