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Hella short chapter but I just wanted to get to the good shit atp. this book is such a flop.

Laughing while running, the two boys made their way to the outter edge of the house boundaries. Reaching the thick of the trees, jimin slows down and taehyung bends over with his hands on his knees, out of breath.

"Where.. are we.. going?" Taehyung asks, gasping for air.

Rubbing the other boys back, jimin answers, "we're almost there, don't worry"

Standing up straight, taehyung let's jimin know he's ready to continue, so they keep walking into the woods. A tall tree comes into view, but taehyung thinks nothing of it until jimin reaches up and pulls down a rope, allowing a ladder to come down with it.

Looking at the older in curiosity, jimin tells him "go ahead! Climb up. I promise it's not gonna break on you"

Trusting the other, taehyung climbs the ladder, pushing a door upwards once he reaches the top of the ladder.

Entering the door, taehyung realizes he's in a larger than normal sized tree house. Feeling excited, he waits until jimin enters as well, before looking around the house.

"This is so cool! I've never been in a tree house before. Is this yours?"

Shaking his head, jimin answers, "no. I mean in a way it is, but it's my boyfriends. Remember how I told you the story about when we first met? This is the same tree house."

Putting two and two together, taehyung let's out a big, "ohhh."

Laughing, jimin says, "yeah, actually you're the first person to ever come in here. Besides me of course, but Jungkook hasn't ever invited anyone and neither have I."

Dramatically putting his hands over his heart, taehyung sighs, "I feel so honored"

"Yeah yeah shut up and come over here and eat."

Giggling, taehyung sits down next to jimin, and they begin to eat the food jin made.

After talking and stuffing their faces for the past hour, the boys then made their way back to the pack house.

Putting their personal items in the basement earlier, they made their way directly  downstairs to change into pajamas and start their movie marathon.

Now all settled and comfy, jimin turns on their popcorn maker, turning to taehyung asking, "so what type movie are we feeling? Scary, funny, romantic? Your choice!"

Thinking for a second, taehyung answers, "how about funny? OOOO do you have hot pursuit?"

"Nope, but We can Buy it on the tv"

"Okay cool"

Settling on the big couch, the two cuddled up in big blankets, jimin with his head on one side of the couch, taehyung being mirrored on the other side. Fifteen minutes in and the popcorn was ready, so jimin got up to bring them both a box over, as well as candy and other fat foods. Despite just having a very filling dinner, the two boys acted as though they had endless pits for stomachs, never slowing down on eating.

- - - - - - -

Two movies later, and both boys were beginning to feel tired, so they moved  into the living room, made their 'beds', and turned off the lights, falling into a peaceful silence.

"Jimin?" Taehyung whispers to the other.

"Hmm?" He hums back tiredly in response.

"I uh... just wanted to thank you." The younger mumbles in embarrassment.

Looking up, jimin looks at him questioningly, "for what?"

"Being so nice. Being my friend. I don't really have any one else besides my family or my brothers friends like yoongi. And don't get me wrong, I love yoongi, but I've never been able to make my own friends... until now."

His eyes falling soft, jimin gets up walking over to taehyung and pulls him into a big hug. "You're so sweet tae tae! I'm so glad we could become friends too. And don't worry. Even when you go back home, I promise we will hang out all the time still."


Nodding, still embracing the other, jimin replies, "really."

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