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Top definition:

Love -
In the romantic sense, love is that addiction that your body needs but your mind hates.
Love is danger, but it's also your safety.
Usually felt with a sense of both terror and bliss, it's like falling out a window, but never hitting the ground.

Undisclosed Love

"I'm so curious about how we do that.
Because I've seen us do that.
You. Me. We have survived and thrived and failed and succeeded and cried and laughed and laughed and laughed.
Isn't that curious?
Isn't that wonderful?
Makes me want more.
Let's have more! More kindness. More compassion. More laughter. More love. There you go!"

Author: hey, just wanted to say in this story Newt doesn't get expelled and leta isn't friends with him sorry :/ anyways, I have other books you may be interested in: @Awkwardlyaweirdo if you wanna check them out

Undisclosed // Newt ScamanderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon