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Y/n's p.o.v

I woke up on a fairly hot summers morning to the sound of my alarm clock buzzing to get me awake. Not the most pleasant way to wake up a person, dear alarm. As I was on holiday, it was fairly acceptable to wake up at 11:00am, apposed to 7:00am during the school year, of course. This September, I would be returning to Hogwarts for my fourth year.
I were to meet Newt, my best friend, in one week time in Diagon Alley to pick up school supplies. He had always been so good to me and a very good helping hand with everything I do. He is a Hufflepuff, after all. I couldn't wait to get out of the muggle town again and see my dear Newt. We had sent letters by owl over the summer, but the day and a half that it took to deliver and receive one back was just too long. Speaking of which, here is Dexter now with a letter from Newt I'm assuming.
The large owl flew through my window and landed on the perch I had sitting on my desk. I rushed up out of my bed over to the desk and picked up the hefty weighted letter. I tore open the package to an almost 4 paged letter that read;

"Dear Y/n,

Hello, I noticed that you hadn't written to me in over 3 days and I have begun to get kind of worried about you. I just assume you've been too occupied with your muggle summer activities per usual. Which reminds me, tell your Mum I said hello and I hope she's doing well. Anyways, what exactly have you been up to? I can't imagine what has taken you so long to do, considering that you of all people wouldn't respond to me for three days straight."

This is an inside joke between Newt and I about one time in the summer after our first year when I had a breakdown over him not responding within four days. I freaked out for no reason, he was just busy and he has poked fun at it ever since. I just smiled at the thought of him chuckling as he wrote that ever-so-hysterical line. Every summer he made a joke about it at least once.

"I'm just messing with you, Y/n. Again anyways, today has been quite interesting if I do say so. I walked outside this morning to get some fresh air and one of Mum's hippogriffs started raising her hooves and bucking around in her stall. I then told Mum about it and she confirmed that she was already going into labor, so I've been keeping watch from my bedroom window to see how she is doing with Mum. So far I've heard mother scream, "Newt, she's 10 centimeters dilated!", which is exciting.
Though, I'm very curious to what you've been doing Miss Y/l/n. Or should I say, Miss busy bee? Oh I don't know, maybe I'll start calling you that. Don't worry, I'm sure it will catch on.
But seriously I've got to say, I miss you, my little pecan."

I smiled at the nickname he had always called me. This was because of at the first feast in the great hall, I got a little too excited over the pecan pie and ate an entire pie by myself, he found it hysterical.

"I'm very excited to see you next week when I pick you up. Which reminds me, Mum wanted me to ask you if you wanted to spend the rest of the break with my family and I? We have a cozy guest room that we'd love for you to fill. Ask your Mum and we'll make arrangements. It's just simpler too because, let's be honest, your Mum doesn't know where she's going."

I let out a loud giggle, remembering when my muggle mother had taken Newt and I to Platform 9 3/4 in our second year and had no idea where she was going. We got to the train just in time to jump on and get a train car. I continued to read Newt's fascinating letter to myself while his owl, Dexter, chatted with my owl, Eda. They were the best of friends, just like Newt and I.

"I have a surprise for you if you come over to my house. I've been working on it all summer and I think you'll like it. I hope that's somewhat encouragement for coming over. Let's face it, your Mum will say yes and we'll get all excited and then Theseus will spoil it somehow. I don't know, he's just been getting on my nerves lately. I know I'm jumping around from topic to topic a lot, but I have so much to tell you about when you get here. Please respond as soon as possible, so I don't worry. Oh and by the way will you feed Dexter? He's most likely starving. Anyways, be safe and I can't wait to see you next week!

Much love, Newt S."

I smiled at the paragraphs upon paragraphs that newt had written you. He always wrote a lot to me, but never this much; 4 pages front and back. I grabbed some parchment and my quill and began writing;

"Dear Newt:

   I am so dreadfully sorry about not responding, I must've forgot to keep our chain going. My life is going swell actually. I was just awoken to the dreadful sounds of my alarm clock, but Dexter made my morning all the better. Yes, I always feed him, you know that, Newt.
   Anyways, I have yet to change out of my night dress, just to give you perspective of how quickly I'm trying to write you back. Oh and don't worry I'll make sure to give you a play-by-play of my morning as we go along.
   I can't wait to catch up, Newt. I have to admit, I miss you too, perhaps even more that you desire to see me. I will definitely ask Mum about staying the remainder of summer with you. That would be lovely."

   I continued to write throughout the morning and some into noon to Newt, giving him insight on my little magic-less life living with my family of muggles. It was always fun to mess around with them and give them surprise quizzes about magic, just to make them flustered. I continued to write about how excited I was for the school year and about how mother had just said yes that I could stay with him. My heart thumped heavily as I thought about staying with Newt; a nervous, yet excited feeling filled me. I wrapped up my letter, made sure Dexter was fed and watered, and sent him off to Newt who lived miles away. Oh how I longed to see him and hear of his stories from his eventful summer.

Undisclosed // Newt ScamanderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon