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- August 31st, the night before the start of school

Y/n's p.o.v

I sat up nervously, contemplating what was going to happen the next day. Tomorrow was the start of school. This wasn't always the best day for me because I'm not really friends with anyone besides Newt. Sure I have a few friends that are girls, but that's just because they're my dorm mates. Besides, I wouldn't ever trust them the way I do Newt.
   Because I never really did branch out to anyone besides Newt, I'd get picked on a bit by the other students. This wasn't because I didn't have many friends, this was because of my close friendship with him. Most people assume that we're dating, which unfortunately, we're not.
   They'd always make fun of us while walking in the halls together. Sometimes they'd even go as far as pushing our faces together so we'd kiss, which left Newt and I not talking for the remainder of that day. I hated the never ending torture they gave us. Also, we never ever kissed; it was usually just quickly turning our faces, causing a head butt.
   We'd always get revenge though. In our second year, Troy Rosier did the same thing and tried to push our faces together while in potions. Him and his mates always got a good laugh out of it. Newt then slipped in a bit of wartcap powder into his Pepperup potion, causing it to bubble up and explode in his face. This left many warts on his face for several weeks. We were never caught.
   I got picked on for other things too though like, well, I don't know why but the boys would sometimes pull my hair, poke me, just teasing me really. Last year one boy even went as far as saying some quite nasty things to me. This obviously made me upset, so I of course told Newt who was infuriated by the situation. Let's just say that I was left alone after that.
   I really didn't have much to worry about because I knew whatever it was Newt would always make me feel better about it somehow.
   I guess the only thing I really had to worry about was my ever-so-lovely "developments" I'd had over the summer. Ah yes, the wonders of being a girl; breasts, bum, and of course our ever-evolving moods. I knew I'd get teased because I didn't really have much of any curves last year. Just over the summer I had developed quite the hips. I remember mummy commenting on it, "You'll have these boys going mad."
Was I nervous about this? Absolutely yes. I could either use it to my advantage or get picked on because if it. Only time will tell I guess. Newt didn't really seem to care or notice these changes, but he also wasn't the type of guy to stare you down (if you know what I mean). He would rather gush to me about bowtruckles rather than fantasize about some girl. I don't know, maybe he had changed over the summer.
Newt definitely did get picked on too. The only difference between him and I, funnily enough, was that he knew how to stand his ground. I however, was always too shy to do this. Luckily for me, Newt is my protector I guess. I know he would do anything for me, just as I would do for him. I never really got upset when it came to my own safety, but when the bullying was mainly targeted towards Newt, things get nasty. I guess I'm kind of protective over him as well.
I had been thinking all of this over on the couch (of all places) in the den. It is currently 9:56pm according to the clock. I should really be getting to bed, but I know I won't be able to sleep.
"You still up, darling?" Newt asked from the bottom of the stairs.
"Um... yes," I said, hesitant. "Newt will you come here for a moment please."
He shuffled over to me and sat down next to me. He now had on his adorable blue pajamas that he always wore, I smiled to myself at this.
"What is it?" He asked softly in attempts to not wake Theseus and his mother.
"I'm just nervous about the school year." I said biting my lip.
"Y/n," he took my hand in his. "There's absolutely nothing you have to worry about. You have me. I'll protect you, you know that."
"I know, I know it's just that what if they try to touch me in weird ways or even say those nasty things to me again?" I could see him getting aggravated because of this.
He knew it was coming. The nasty comments, the poking and prodding, the touching in unforgivable places, all without permission. Hormone driven boys were coming for me.
"I would love to see them try." He said quietly.
"Well I hope you expect it because if you haven't noticed," I paused and looked down at myself. "I have breasts! And a bum! Am I proud of it? Yes a little bit, but they're going to be like thirsty dogs on a hot day!" I said throwing my hands up in the air and pointing at myself.
This made Newt giggle a little bit at my craziness.
"Yes I've noticed." He said softly biting lip slightly waiting for my response.
   "Oh really?" I asked sort of surprised.
   "Yes. I mean, look at you. I'm a boy, how could I not notice? I mean you look v-very pretty don't get me wrong, but-" I then cut him off because of his rambling, he always did that when he was nervous.
   "Thank you, Newt that's very sweet of you." I said putting my hand on his shoulder to try to signal that it was okay for him to stop.
   "Sorry," He said with a laugh. "You're welcome."
   "Now that that's settled, we need to go to bed." I said getting up and making my way over to the staircase.
   "Indeed we do." Newt said following me up the stairs to his room.
"So," I said hesitantly. "You're not worried? You seem not worried at all."
"There's nothing to worry about." He calmly stated following me up the stairs.
"But why? They'll be all over me." I said turning around to face him.
His face was red and his jaw was clenched. He was mad.
"Yes I know, Y/n," he said finally. "But trust me I'll take care of their grimy little asses. You know that. You can stop going on and on about how they're going to be 'all over you' now. I'm well aware!"
"Goodness." I was taken aback by his sudden anger, especially towards me.
"I think I'll sleep in my own room tonight." I said quietly walking fast towards my end of the hall.
"Y/n," he said hurrying after me down the hallway. "I didn't mean for that to come out as harshly as it did. I'm sorry. Please come back. I just w-want-"
"You just want what? To control me?" I had finally said it.
Everyone thought he did. He didn't, he always let me do what I wanted to. I liked that about him and he knew that, but he had hurt me so I decided to take a stab back at him. I soon regretted this as I saw the tears swell up in his eyes. He was hurt, but I was too. He was always afraid that I would think such of him. I never did, but my anger was controlling me.
"I-I would never. You know that, Y/n," he said with tears now falling down his face. "I was g-going to say, you probably don't care, but I was going to say that I just wanted you to be safe. It really makes me upset even thinking about what those guys will do because I can't always be around to protect you. I never meant to control you. I'll back off and leave you alone. Goodnight."
"Newt wait," I grabbed his wrist before he reached his bedroom. "I never meant to hurt you like that. I didn't mean it, I swear. It just hurt that you snapped at me and I shouldn't have gone that far. I know you just want the best for me and for me to be safe, but you can't always be around to protect me. And that's okay. I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself."
He let out a small giggle between a few tears, but he was smiling through the whole thing. We occasionally had disagreements like this, they always were resolved quite quickly. He then gave me a huge hug, indicating that I was forgiven.
"Now," he began. "Let's go to bed and have the best year ever."
He then literally swept me off my feet and carried me into his bedroom, putting me into a laughing fit. The only thing I could think of that night was Newt. The way I felt around him is like no other I'd had before; I grew a pit in my stomach, I felt a little woozy, I couldn't really think straight, and just so happy all at the same time. I was in love with Newt Scamander, and loved every second of it.

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