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Train ride.

September 1, around 9:30am

Y/n's p.o.v

All my necessities for the school year were packed, my morning dress perfectly steamed, and my hair delicately rolled just so; I was ready. Now I had about an hour to mentally prepare for this school year. By mentally prepare I mean eat and probably talk out all my concerns with Newt. But hey, it helps; he was the best at calming me down.
I walked quietly down the steps of the old craftsman styled house. The steps creaked slightly as my white kitten heals stepped upon them. With the ample amount of time I had, I decided that I'd put on some makeup for the hell of it.
   I walked into the spare bathroom downstairs and pulled my makeup case out of my bag. This however, was barely ever used. It was only bought because mum felt the need for me to have some "just in case" even though I had never had any interest in it. Seems like mum was right after all.
   I opened up the new bag curiously digging through it. Mum had showed me what everything was before and how to use it, so it wasn't much of a challenge. I began by applying some concealer to my under eyes just as she had showed me. After that I used a little powder to set it and then applied some blush. I finished off with some mascara and some pink lip gloss. It was now just 9:45 and still had plenty of time to waste before it was time to go.
   I then stepped out of the bathroom only to be greeted by Newt sitting on the sofa. His attention was taken off of whatever he was doing and placed upon me as if I were an extraordinary painting in an art gala. His eyes grew wide and cheeks darkened into a red color while his eyes dashed around the room trying to focus on something other than me.
   "Hello, to you too, Newt." I said a dangerous smile playing against my lips as I slowly waltzed over to the couch and sat beside him.
   "Forgive me, but you look quite um..." he trailed of as his eyes met mine.
   "You can say it." I urged him on.
   "Lovely, you look quite lovely. That's a nice color on you." He said quickly glancing down to my lips and back to my eyes.
   "Oh do I?" I said playfully giggling as I inched closer to his face, becoming brave all the sudden.
   "Y-Yes you do." He said sheepishly flushing a deeper red.
   "How nice of you." I said just as our lips were about to touch.
   I pulled myself away from him, purposefully disappointing him. A sigh fell from his lips as I stood up.
   "What a tease." I heard him mumble under his breath.
   "A what?" I turned on my heel sharply.
   "A tease." He repeated much louder this time smiling confidently.
   "Oh that's what I am? Then you're a twit." I said smiling right back at him.
"Excuse me?" He said with a fake gasp while smiling even more.
"You heard what I said, Mr. Scamander." I said now grinning ear to ear.
"That's not very nice of you. I think you should have a punishment." He said mischievously. (not like that)
"Oh yeah? What would it be then?" I said gently pushing on his chest.
"No sitting with me on the train!" He said and a gasp from me followed.
   "You have no one else to sit with, Newty." I said solemnly.
   "I'm just kidding. I was just gonna tickle you." He said as he began to tickle me.
   "No! N-Newt stop!" I shrieked, squirming around in his arms like a fish out of water.
   "Not until you admit that you're a tease!" He said continuing to tickle me mercilessly.
   "Okay, okay! I'm a tease," I said and he stopped tickling me. "As long you're a twit."
   "Oh it's on." He said as I started running while he chased me.

- Around 10:30 am

   We sat patiently in the muggle disguised car in attempts to get to kings cross on time. We pulled in to a parking spot and began to get out all of our luggage, a trolly soon coming for both of us. Newt and I walked side by side through the train station to get to platform 9 3/4. We noticed a few people from school on our way there.
   "Are you ready?" Said Newt beaming nervously at me.
   "As ready as I can be I guess." I said, a laugh from Newt following.
   We were now at platform 9 3/4. His mother stood behind us patting us on our backs as she prepared for her babies to leave her nest for another school year.
   "Are you sure you're going to be okay, Newt?" She spoke looking up at him, as he had grown much taller than her.
   "Yes, mama. We will be just fine. I'll take care of Y/n and—" He said but I cut him off.
   "I'll take care of him as well." I said with a smile.
   "Oh I know, sweetheart," she said patting my cheek. "Keep him in line please?"
   "Your wish is my command, Ms. Scamander." I said giggling a bit.
   "Well, I love you both very very much." She said hugging us at the same time.
   "I love you too." I said to her as she was like a second mother to me.
   "I love you as well, mama." Newt spoke exasperatedly, clearly ready to get on the train.
   She then sent us on our way through platform 9 3/4 and we began sorting ourselves on the train. Newt and I always got our own train car by ourselves as no one really wanted to sit with us. Soon after settling into our little train car, there was a knock on the door.
"Trolly dears?" She spoke from outside the windowed door.
I quickly got up to get some candy for Newt and I. As I opened the door, I noticed a group of boys from our year standing at the end of the train car talking. I picked out the candy I wanted and paid for it. Before I left I heard whistling and giggling from the other side of the car, but decided to ignore it. I got mine and Newts candy and went back into our little room.
"What was all that fuss about out there?" Newt asked curiously.
"What do you mean?" I asked him, handing him his candy.
There was a knock at the window. We both turned our heads towards it and found that it was the same boys I had saw before. Newt got up and walked over to the door opening up just enough to talk to them.
"How may I help you?" I heard Newt ask politely.
He was now much taller than the other boys. I came up behind him curiously to what these boys would want from us.
"Can we see um... Y/n I think it is?" The seemingly leader of the group asked.
"For what reasons?" Newt asked holding me behind him with his arm.
"We just wanted to chat, man." The leader said playfully nudging Newt backward.
Newt then slowly let me in front of him still keeping watch behind me as if he were my dad. His hand grabbed mine and I squeezed his softly.
"Yes?" I began looking at the boys as they stared at me sort of in awe.
"W-We just wanted to um ask y-you..." the leader trailed off nervously.
"Ask me what?" I asked curiously.
"If you would maybe like to go out to eat with one of us sometime?" He asked sheepishly.
"Which one of you exactly?" I said giggling, looking over the five boys in front me.
   "Well any of us." One of them chimed in.
   "We all think you're quite beautiful." Another one said.
   "I thank you for the offer, but I must not comply. I have to get more settled in for the school year right now. Maybe another time?" I said, worried to hurt their feelings.
   "Yes! That'd be lovely." The leader of the group said as they all walked away.
I gently closed the door and laughed to myself.
   "That was awkward as all hell." Newt began, cheeks flushed.
   "You're telling me." I said with sigh sitting back down in my seat.
It was silent for a few moments.
"Are you really going to go out with them?" Newt asked with a laugh.
"Psh... probably not." I said beginning to dig my sketch book out of my bag.
"What're you going to draw?" Said Newt also pulling out a sketch book.
"I don't know. Probably like the landscape or something," I said beginning to sketch a tree. "What about you?"
"You'll see." He said with a sly smile.
"Newt, show me!" I said going over to see what he was drawing.
"No," He said taking it away. "I'll show you when it's done."
"Fine then." I said sitting back down in my spot and watching him intensely.
"You know," he looked up at me with a look of awe on his face. "I've been working on this drawing the entire summer."
"How in the world does it take you that long to draw a picture?" I asked giggling at him, making him laugh as well.
"I honestly don't know. I just wanted it to be perfect," he paused. "I'm giving it to you when I'm done."
"Oh," I said quite shocked. "Why?"
"You'll see why." He said, a smiling tugging on his lips making me bite mine.
   "Okay then." I said, an uncontrollable smile played on my lips.
   A few minutes past. Many of those minutes I spent trying to get a glimpse of what he was drawing, but failed.
"I'm done," he said as I got up and walked over to him. "Close your eyes."
I did so and held my hands out.
   "Open your eyes!" He said excitedly.
I was shocked to see a picture that looked quite like me beautifully drawn in front of me.
"I-Is this me?" I asked hesitantly.
"Yes, it's you, silly," he said smiling at my expression. "Do you like it?"
"I love it!" I said standing up and looking at the drawing in the light.
Newt followed in suit standing up looking at the picture together. I looked up at Newt and he was already staring at me. He slowly took the sketch book from my hands and sat it down on the seat behind him. He then took me in his arms protectively. I felt that familiar sense of safe and home he always gave me when he was around. I felt like we could just stay like this forever, but it couldn't be so.
"Can you promise me something, Y/n?" He asked into my hair.
"Sure, what is it?" I said pulling back and looking into his eyes.
"That no matter what, nothing can come between us. Not a boyfriend or girlfriend or any silly shit like that. That we can always count on each other to be there and defend the other in their time of need?" He said holding out his pinky for me to take.
"I swear." I said honestly taking my pinky in his.
"Always." I said confidently locking our promise twice.
"Stick a thousand needles in our eyes?" He asked playfully.
"Stick a thousand needles in our eyes!" I said making us both laugh.
"Come on, lets take a nap before we get there." Newt said backing away from me and shoving his stuff off to the side.
I turned my head towards the door to meet the eyes of one of the boys from the group. He then hurried past the door and I mentally slapped myself. He saw Newt and I hug and so, the rumors of us being together will start again. I decided to just ignore it and just deal with it at a later time.
I got my perfect picture out of his sketch book and gently placed it in a folder in my book bag. I intended to frame it when we got to hogwarts and put it on my bedside table. It was now time for Newt and I to have our annual nap on the train to just really prepare for the school year ahead.
It was about another 5 hours before we would get there, so there was plenty of time for a nap. Newt closed the curtains of the bright window and turned on the oil lamps on the wall as he knew I was scared of the dark. I got out our blankets and laid down on my side of the little room and began to drift off to sleep. But, before I did I heard Newt mumble something to me.
   "I love you, Y/n." It sounded like but I couldn't be sure.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2019 ⏰

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