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Newt's p.o.v

   I woke up to the shaking of a blurry figure above me. Once I rubbed my eyes to see who it was, I wasn't shocked to see Y/n. I gave her tired smile while continuing to rub my eyes. She then stopped and climbed over me and sat down.
   "Newt?" She said almost longingly.
   "Yes?" I said in a sort of raspy voice.
   "How did I ever get into your room?" She asked grinning ear-to-ear, me then realizing that I was in fact in the guest bedroom.
   I figured that she couldn't sleep well because, let's face it, this bed is so incredibly lumpy. And so, I took her up to my room and let her sleep there instead of having her on that awfully uncomfortable couch. I knew she would've probably woken up stiff if I didn't put her in my bed. Speaking of which, I have a crick in my neck now, but it's worth it as long as Y/n's happy.
   "Well, I saw you on the sofa downstairs and I figured that you'd sleep better up here in my bed instead of that old thing." I said brushing some hair out of her face.
"Well, that was very sweet of you, Mr. Scamander." She said, an adorable blush rising to her cheeks that made me smile even more.
"Now," She said after a long pause, snapping me out of my daze. "Your wonderful mother has cooked us breakfast."
Before I could say anything, she was skipping out of my room and running down the stairs. I had no choice but to follow her reluctantly. I smiled to myself while walking down the stairs, remembering Y/n's excited figure running out of the room. I arrived at the bottom of the stairs where I had a clear shot of all my family members making their plates in the kitchen.
I saw something that instantly put me in a bad mood; Theseus and Y/n chatting it up while gathering their food.
   "So Theseus, how're things going at the Ministry?" Y/n said in her soft morning voice while taking a bite of her food.
   "Quite wonderful actually, I just got promoted to an Auror!" He said cheerily smiling up at her as I began to block them out, failing of course.
   "Oh that's amazing! Your dream job, right?" Y/n said excitedly leaning in towards Theseus across the table.
   I could barf. I had lost my appetite by this point, but mother would yell at me if I didn't get a plate to eat. I continued to make my plate.
   "Yes! Ever since I went into Defense Against the Dark Arts." He said smiling broadly.
   "Well I'm very proud, Theseus," she smiled back at him then looked up towards me, melting away my anger and frustration. "What about you, Newt?"
   "What about me, Y/n?" I asked sort of stern, making Y/n furrow her brows.
   "Aren't you proud... of Theseus?" She questioned, her tone softening as she saw the anger displayed on my face. "Dear Theseus, excuse us for a moment."
   She then got up from her seat, took me by my the hem of my shirt, and guided me into the family room.
   "What is your problem, Newt?" She asked clearly frustrated.
   This made a lump in my throat appear and I felt myself go cold in the hands. I don't want her mad at me.
   "M-My problem is," I hesitated before responding in my most harsh voice I could conjure. "You and Theseus!"
   "Why me? I know why Theseus; I mean, do you think I'm oblivious to the casual flirting? I'm smarter than that, but why am I a problem?" She said as if she were hurt, making me hurt worse.
   I hate seeing her sad. I've got to fix this...
   "I-I didn't mean it that way! That's just how it came out!" I said truthfully as I saw her eyes began to gloss over with tears.
   "You meant it the way you said it. Tell your mother that breakfast was lovely and I'll be up in my room until supper." She said in her most monotonous voice while sprinting up the stairs, a loud slam of a door following.
   What have I done? I put my hands in my hair, ruffling it.
   "Aye buddy, you okay?" Theseus says from the doorway of the family room.
   I felt the anger swell up in my body.
   "No, I am not okay and it's because of you. You always flirt with Y/n and it absolutely infuriates me. It sort of makes me think you want her to yourself." I said frustratedly.
   "I'm not trying to steal her away from you, Newt. I'd never do that on purpose, trust me. I'm sorry you feel that way though." He said almost sincere.
   I shrugged his hand that was on my shoulder off, not accepting his apology. I then ran up the stairs to find Y/n. I followed the hallway until I reached Y/n's guest room where I heard quiet sobs flow through the door. I could feel my own tears swell in my eyes from this. If I could take her pain right now for my own I would, but I can't. I felt single tear slide down my face.
   "Y/n?" I asked, no answer. "Listen, Y/n, I'm sorry. I never meant to let you feel this way. Theseus really infuriates me. I just want to protect you and keep you to myself I guess. Which, yes, I know is quite selfish of me, but it's hard when he's taken so many things from me. I just don't want to loose you. Not to anyone and especially not to him. I'm sorry for my selfishness and I promise to do better in the future. I'm guessing that you really don't want to talk to me right now, so I'll leave you alone. But just know that I'll be waiting out here whenever you're ready to come out. If you need anything, just call for me." I said as many tears slipped from my eyes.

Y/n's p.o.v

   Everything that he was saying made so much sense now. He was just trying to protect me, even though he was being sort of selfish in the process. I let many tears fall as that was the only thing I could do.

- an hour or two later

   I had nothing to do. All I could do is wait and watch the clock. All the sudden I heard the floors creak from outside the door. I heard a sliding noise from beneath the door. I got up and walked over to it, inspecting it. It was a pack of cards with a note on it. This was obviously Newt as he loved playing cards. The note read;
   "Dear Y/n,
I know you're upset with me currently, but I can't possibly imagine what you could be doing in there right now that's more interesting than a game of cards. Beggar-my-neighbor?"
   I couldn't help but let a huge smile break upon my face. I quickly ran over to the notepad and pen on the desk and wrote down; "You're on Scamander." Then slipped it beneath the door, earning a chuckle from Newt outside.
He dealt the cards from behind the door and we began our game.

- an hour later

After our many games, and our various wins, we decided it was best to stop. We had kept the door between us the entire time.
"Good game," Newt spoke clearly standing up. "Well, I guess I'll see you at dinner."
"Newt, wait," I spoke pulling open the door quickly. "Um..."
I got lost in his blue eyes and tear stained face. He just starred back at me in shock that I had actually opened the door. I followed my instincts and ran up to him. I then gave him a huge hug that he gladly accepted, wrapping his arms around me as if he were trying to protect me. I pulled back and starred in his eyes.
"Newt, I'm very sorry. I forgive you, you were just trying to protect me and... I know I'd do the same for you if I felt the need. I really appreciate you looking out for me, truly." I said looking up at him, avoiding his gaze at times.
   "You shouldn't be sorry. It was my fault and I take full responsibility." He said hugging me around my shoulders and pulled me back in towards his chest.
   I said nothing; I didn't have to. I was content in this moment, knowing he was too. This was comfortable. This was home; my home right here in his arms.

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