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There was a knock on Kimjo's door. Zuko slowly got up and went to answer it. When he opened the door he came face to face with General Iroh, his uncle.

"Prince Zuko, we have arrived at the harbor. Please get ready, and this is for Kim when you wake her up," he finished, giving Zuko Kimjo's wheelchair.

"Thank you, Uncle," he said closing the door and going to wake his lady love. 

Zuko slowly made his way over to the sleeping form of his girlfriend. "Jo," he said softly while shaking her shoulder slightly.

All he got was a groan in response.

"Come on, you've got to get up, we've reached the harbor for repairs."


Zuko sighed at his stubborn girlfriend, then again it was one of his favorite qualities about her. "Fine," he took a deep breath, "KIMJO WAKE UP RIGHT THIS SECOND OR I SWEAR YOU WILL NEVER SEE THE OUTSIDE OF THIS SHIP AGAIN!"

That got her moving. Kimjo quickly skyrocketed upright and rolled over right out of bed and onto her face. "Zuko..." came the complaining moan from the floor.

The man in question just stood there clutching his stomach and laughing like there was no tomorrow. He knew that would get her moving, not only did it scare her awake, but Kimjo loved the outdoors, so the threat was sure to register.

After getting over the initial shock of her rude awakening, Kimjo sat up and playfully glared at her boyfriend. "You inconsiderate jerk! Not only did you wake me up from my oh so precious sleep, but you also made me fall flat on my beautiful face. I demand you apologize in full!" she said with a joking tone.

Quickly catching on, Zuko fake bowed and rushed out, "My lady, I am truly sorry. There must be a way that I can make it up to you."

"There is one, and only one way you could possibly get in my good graces again," she replied while crossing her arms and turning her nose up in the air.

"What is it? If you do not tell  me I fear I shall die!"

She almost lost her composure at that one. "You have to............... kiss me."

Chuckling at this revelation, Zuko quickly leaned in and kissed his girlfriend. When he pulled away, he said, "There you are my lady, I hope you can forgive me."

"Most definitely," she got out before she broke down into a fit of giggles.

Zuko just smiled and shook his head fondly at his girlfriend's antics waiting for her to calm down. As soon as she did, he helped her get ready for the day. The couple quickly fell into a routine and met up with General Iroh in no time.

As they were heading down the ramp Zuko turned to his Iroh, "Uncle I want the repairs made as quickly as possible. I don't want to stay too long and risk losing his trail."

Back to your self, I presume, Kimjo thought.

"You mean the Avatar," Iroh commented harmlessly.

Zuko whipped around. "Don't mention his name on these docks. Once word gets out that he's alive every firebender will be out there looking for him. And I don't want anyone getting in the way."

"Getting in the way of what, Prince Zuko?" A voice asked from behind.

"Captain Zhou," Zuko said with his arms crossed.

"It's commander now," Zhou responded with a stuck up air. Then he turned to Iroh and Kimjo. "And General Iroh, great her of our nation. Finally, the lady Kimjo. Your beauty is far greater now than ever."

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