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"yoongi, baby, help me understand something. why did they do surgery on a grape and why did so many people talk about it?" hoseok asked. a laugh emitted through his phone speaker, a laugh belonging to a cutie, aka yoongi.

"they did surgery on a grape." was his only reply, making hoseok laugh as well.

"but why? i just don't get it." hoseok said, after laughing for a few seconds with yoongi.

"well do you know what grapes are made out of?" yoongi asked, putting emphasis on you.

"well, no-" hoseok was going to continue but was cut off by his friend.

"exactly! but i don't know why everyone talked about it, it wasn't that funny." hoseok smiled fondly at the tone yoongi was using. the boy really made his heart race.

"i like your voice yoongs." hoseok whispered, he stared at his phone as if it were somehow the boy who had been on his mind for the past week.

"oh." yoongi laughed, "you're cute, hoseok."

"yoongs." hoseok groaned, hiding his blushing face in his pillow, his phone placed on the other pillow.

yoongi laughed again, and shuffled around at the sound of a knock, "uh, hoseok, i gotta go see who that is, i'll be right back."

hoseok agreed and waited for yoongi to come back. he figured it would take a while, as yoongi had to go downstairs, open the door, ask what they needed, probably help them, and come back.

but, when yoongi came back, hoseok heard a noise he wished he could erase from his mind. he immediately hung up and powered off his phone, deciding to take a break from it and go on a run.

he wished yoongi would've told him sooner.

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