Chapter 1 Forever?

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hah.. yup I started yet another fic.. help me

Third person- Neil's side. 🧡

Neil internally groaned as he heard his parents bickering about god knows what.

He layed flat on his back, sprawled out on his bed, out of pure boredom. He looked to his left, and saw an old picture of his friends when he was ten.

Memories flooded back to him. In all Honestly, he missed the rickety old summer camp.

And most importantly, his friends.

Nikki always has the brighter mood. She was always hyper, always ready for anything. The scientist admired her in a way.

Max always brought you back to "reality." He was fun to hang around with, despite his Mature actions. Neil admired him, in a way, to.

He rememberd something they all said to each other the day Camp Corp came around and they all had to split up.

"No matter we don't see each other or we do, we"ll always be friends, Forever."


I sighed, kicking a pebble. Because of the stupid divorce, I was forced to move to this Crappy town.

It was total Bullshit. I looked up, half heartedly admiring the streets and traffic in front of me.

I wonder what the school would be like.

Probably boring. But in a way, I like studying. Half the reason I was an outcast at my old school. Being the "smart" kid sucks.

I finally landed on the hard cement of the grand castle.

I rolled my eyes as the school, just looked like any average high school. What was I expecting? A royal greeting?

I shook my head and kept walking. I walked up the mini staircase and onto the front doors of the school.

The floor was smooth and shiny below me. Lockers flooded the halls. Nothing to surprising.

I had finally found my locker when a huge gasp was made out behind me. Out of Instinct, I flung around, only to have my back be flung back into my locker.

"nEIL?!" A girl I didn't recognize screeched.
"Uhm.. y-yeah?" I asked, pure confusion mocking my face.

She facepalmed. Soon, everything came back to me. Teel hair, red and white sports jacket, yellow shirt..

"niKKI?!" I finally screamed back. Her face lit back up faster than a match.

"Holy dam I haven't seen you in years.. litterly." She said while laughing.

I agreed and laughed with her.

I had showed up to school at least twenty minutes early, so we caught up with each other.

Not much had changed, personality wise anyway.

Apparently she joined five sports team, and her mom is forcing her into the drama a club. Besides that, it's the same old Nikki.

Then, I rememberd Max. Hope seeped into me as I pondered wether or not he attended this school.

"Hey nikki, does max go here?" I asked, swiftly trying to catch up with her fast walking.

"Yup. Oh my god. He's going to freak  when he sees you.." she said, a smirk growing bigger on her face.

I wonder what he looks like now. Me and Nikki look generally the same.

As we aprouched math, she stopped, so I did as well. "Holy. Crap. You won't beileive this Neil!" She said exidedly, facing  me.

"What?" I repleid, kind of curios. It was Nikki, and she gets exited about almost everything, so I wasn't to intrigued.

"Max is gAY!"

I almost felt my heart skip a beat.

Max? Gay?

Is this some sort of fanfiction? I didn't have to much time to react as the war killing bell broadcasted through the school.

We walked in, considering we were only a foot away from the door.

We slid into desks beside each other as people slowly started filling into the classroom. It looked boring and general. Everything about this school was just bland.

"Neil, ever since I broke the news to you, you've looked like you just saw jasper." She said evilly, chuckling.

I sputterd our random words, or at least the start of them. What was wrong with me? What about max being gay struck me so hard? I'm straight.. anyway.

Aa I finished up the thought, the one and only walked through the door.

Black ripped jeans, blood red sweatshirt, messy black haired Indian boy i was best friends with over three years ago.

He stared at me for a second before piling into the desk beside me.

"Neil?! The fuck You doing here?" He asked in somewhat shock.

"I moved here." I said simply, still studying his facial features.

"Welp, sorry you had to deal with Nikki." He said, his voice back to its normal careless tone, while sitting back a bit.

It took me twenty minutes before it hit me.

We were back.

We really did stick through with our promise.

..but what about Forever?

Forever? Neil x Max (Camp Camp AU)Where stories live. Discover now