Chapter 2

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Third person POV
Max side 💙

One week later~~

It was The first day of December, something that drove Nikki crazy for holiday spirit, and mentally killed Max.

Max was sitting back in his chair, his elbow resting on his desk while his cheek in his palm.

  He absolutely hated school. Besides lunch, were he could complain to his friends.

  History class didn't have nikki or Neil in it, so he had to suffer.

"So, as you know, It is December first. So I was thinking.."

His teacher, Mrs. Fuesta, paused, waiting to see everyone's reaction, wich was pretty sad to be honest.

  "We will be having a secret Santa!" She exclaimed, while only about two students cheered.

Max face palmed. What the hell was he supposed to do? He hated holidays anyway. He didn't want to spend his money on crappy gifts to give to crappy people.

But still, his face seemed to get an even more annoyed look on it, of that was possible for him.

The bell screamed, signaling all of them could haul ass.


"The science teacher didn't even tell us our partners!" Neil completed, facepalming out of frustration. I let out a mocking laugh, earning a glare from him.

I laughed harder, his face was so fucking stupid.. how do you rant about a science class? he turned a bright pink when Nikki started giggling with me.

"Shut up.." he murmured, sliding his tray an inch away from him. Nikki went back to inhaling her food.

I always enjoyed lunch. You can think about how much of a shit person you are, or complain to your friends about how much of shit people they are.

   Instead though, I thought about Neil. It was hella weird that he just so happend to pop up at this school. Atleast I dont have to face Nikki alone. I chuckled at the thought.

Nikki finished her food and glanced up at us. "Do you guys want to see the new horror movie that came out a few days ago?"

Holy shit, I forgot about that. "Hell yes. I heard it's shit your pants level scary." I said, agreeing with her evil smirk.

Neil shrugged. "Are you guys sure?" This earned another small laughing fit from us.

"Neil, you need to learn to stop worrying so much." Nikki said, elbowing him playfully. "O-okay.." he paused, sighing."Fine."

With that, the bell rung, meaning we had to split up once again.


People walked past us, probably eager to see the movie. Me and Neil though, we just sat on a bench besides the theater and waited for Nikki's Mom to drop her off.

"What's up with you and Nik's Mom anyway?" I asked carelessly. He glanced up from the sidewalk to me.

"Eh. I don't know man. She's kind of a whore." He said back, mirroring my tone.

He was cute when he was careless, I would easily admit to that. I never worried to much about thinking Neil was adorable. He looks gay, and he knows I am. I stopped freaking about it awhile ago.

A old Honda pulled up, stopping in the middle of the street. Nikki jumped out of the passenger side, and jogged towards us. Her mom sped off, leaving three teenagers with twenty bucks.

"Hey guys, sorry about that, my mom was on her phone or something." She said slightly panting. We shrugged and walked inside.

Everything was decked out in Christmas Decorations, making Nikki bounce from the walls. Neil crossed his arms. "Why is everything about your stupid holiday?" He asked rhetorically, sounding sarcastically offended.

"I don't know, but this is awesome!" Nikki sang, pulling us towards the ticket stand. We bought three tickets for the movie and walked around the auditorium to kill time.

"Let's get some snacks." Nikki said. Me and Neil agreed and followed her towards the little snack shack.

I got gummy worms, Neil got gobstobers, and nikki bought a slushie.

Satisfied, we walked to the room the movie was supposed to be playing in. Once we got there we picked seats that weren't to far from the screen, and sat directly in the middle, perfect view.

"Max..I dare you to hold Neil's hand!" Nikki whispered, smiling teasingly at me. I shrugged and placed my hand on top of his.

"M-max?" He sounded flustered, and he looked really cute..

"Oh. Sorry, I thought that was the apart of the seat.." I said awkwardly. "I-it's um.. fine." He replied, still with a bright pink face.

Nikki covers her mouth as she laughed.

    The movie began to start, and already eerie music was blaring through the speakers.

Neil seemed to shrink at this. I really wanted to cuddle into him, although I would never admit to that. I studied his facial features, forgetting about the movie. He looked scared, regretfully even. Me and Nikki did peer pressure him a bit. Fuck.

I broke my trans on him before guilt could swallow me hole, and payed attention to the movie.

Forever? Neil x Max (Camp Camp AU)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant