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Max POV 💙💙

I sat down with the tray of horse shit while Nikki followed in my steps.

"Hey, Neil was freaking out last night about the dare!" She screeched, giggling uncontrollably.

I'm going to be honest, that's fucking hilarious. Neil in general, and he got flusterd? pfft..

after Nikki got done with her laughing fit, Neil came and sat beside us.

"Sup Neil." I said casually, pushing the tray away in disgust.

"Hey." He said back, mimicking me and pushing his tray.

The table fell silent as roars of nearby kids filled the background.

Nikki was noticeably trying not to laugh, and thank fucking god the bell rang right as I was about to break.

"Alright guys, cya later." I said, standing up from the bench.

"Kay, bye max, bye Neil!" Nikki yelled happily, bounding away to, I think Harrison.

I started walking off when the brunet stopped me. "Hey- Max!" I heard him shout, causing me to whip around.

"Yeah?" I yelled back, walking towards him.

"I.. do yo-.. uh.. never mind, sorry to waste your time." He said in disappointment, walking away.

Okay? Whatever, I brushed it off and walked away.


I walked through the front door.

I made my way to my room without making a sound. I shut my door, and let out a breath.

    As I recoverd, I slumped my backpack on the floor and tossed myself in my bed, phone in hand.

     "Neil what did you want to ask me?" I typed, hitting send when I finished.

I stared at the ceiling while I waited for a reply. Ding

My focus went back to my phone.

'do you want to sleep over tonight? I got presents for you and Nikki, I need help wrapping.'

Sounds absolutely boring.

'Sure be there in 10'

Sorry for the short chapter! I have another account and I've been busy dealing with that, ironically it's called Blossum22 heh

Forever? Neil x Max (Camp Camp AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora