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"If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything."
-Mark Twain-


"Ari, you're home!" She jumped into my arms and squealed. "Took you long enough!"

I laughed, "Hey, little pirate. Sorry, I took so long to get home." I gave her a tired smile. "What can I do to make it up to you, huh?"

"I'm glad you asked that." She grinned evilly, showing her missing canine. I put my little sister down. "Well, I know you have exams but could you take me to the park tomorrow?"

"I wish I could but you know I have a late shift at the mall." Her evil smile fell from her face. I tried to lighten her mood, "But I'm sure Oliver wouldn't mind taking you to the park for a while."

"What about me?" asked Oliver. He was standing on the staircase.

"I was wondering if you could take Eden to the park tomorrow." I voiced what I was thinking but before Oliver could say anything, Eden voiced her concerns.

"I don't want Oli to take me, I want to do stuff like we used to." She turned to Oliver for a second. He stood there faking heartbreak and a look of hurt.

"No offense Oli." She chimed bluntly. He nodded telling her he understood.

It was true, I had exams coming up but it was also true I came home late every day, had lots of homework to do, and worked at the ice cream shop in the mall across town. We hardly spent time together, and I suddenly changed my mind.

"Fine, I'll take you but no longer than half an hour okay?" I told her.

Her face lit up, but not before her smile returned and etched itself onto her thin, pink lips. "Two hours," she bargained.

"Okay, an hour then." I couldn't stay long, I couldn't be late for work, not again.

"Come on Ari, an hour and thirty minutes. That couldn't hurt," Oliver intervened, helping Eden to bargain with me.

I paused for a while looking at both of them, then I gave him a deadly stare, "Whose side are you on anyway?" I asked Oliver.

He shrugged and gave me a sheepish smile. Eden nudged Oliver and that's when things got real. They both looked at me with fake tears brimming their eyes. I knew they were just faking it to coax me into staying at the park longer than I wanted, but I couldn't stand seeing Eden with tears in her eyes. She had the same look, the same look when he left.

"Fine." I gave in and little Eden flew up and squealed loud enough to burst my eardrums. She and Oliver were currently doing a deranged happy dance.

Eden was a nine year old, with french toast colored hair. Her eyes were a blue-grey like mom. She was very fiery and sly. Eden was mature beyond her age and that frightened me.

Oliver was a tall lean guy, with dirty blonde hair. He had a goofy grin, blue eyes, and hard chiseled abs. But I only know that because we've been friends ever since we were kids. He was one of those friends who have no problem socializing and being popular when on the other hand you are the complete opposite.

Eden, my little sister has completely been taken with my best friend. He offered to go get Eden from school since I had been so busy. He would stay and keep Eden company until I got home. Sometimes, he would make dinner. He was an awesome friend.

Eden knows how hard I work, considering that ever since Dad left, mom has been working extra shifts at the hospital. The only problem is, when Dad left, mom was too busy to spend time with us and after her, I followed.

"Who wants rice balls and beef?" Oliver called from the kitchen. I had been standing absent-mindedly and staring off into space.

"I do!" Eden cheered. "Ari, do you want any?"

I nodded, "Sure, I'm starving." The burning sensation in my belly confirmed that. "I'm gonna take a shower, I'll be down soon."

"Okay, don't take forever now!" Oliver yelled as I already started going up the stairs.

"I won't!" I replied. When I got to my room, I flung my backpack aside and plopped down on my bed, resting my eyes for a bit. I looked at my phone and saw it was 6:02 pm. I texted Matteo because I knew he had probably finished training by now.

Me: Hey. How was training?

I kicked off my shoes and took off my clothes. I went to my drawer and took out clean underwear, shorts, and a tank top. It started to rain heavily outside, so I closed my bedroom windows. I hated the rain. I hated the way it could come pouring without no warning, the way it got colder the longer it rained, how it messed up all my plans for having fun, or how badly it rained when Dad left us.

Just before I was going to leave for the bathroom, my phone pinged. It must've been Matteo. I put down my clothes and took up my phone. I opened the text message and replied.

Me: Hey. How was training?

Matteo: Hi, it was good.

Me: Good to hear, so what's up?

Matteo: I am about to eat dinner but I wanna ask you something. Don't get mad, alright.

Me: Go ahead, ask. I won't get mad.

Matteo: Can we be friends??

I froze, unaware of what to say next. He asked me if we could be friends but really, he already decided that we should break up. Maybe he thought he was softening the blow. In reality, he wasn't.

He was breaking up with me, the thing I feared most. I was right, he never really loved me, he just lied because he wanted to keep me around longer. My heart stopped and I read the text over and over. Two minutes passed and then four. All I could think was, "No no no no no-no-no. This can't be happening. This must be a prank." However, the next text he sent, proved me wrong.

Matteo: Can we?

I wasn't gonna fight it. I was crumbling on the inside but it was okay. If he was doing this over the phone, whatever we had was nothing.

Me: Ummm yeah. Sure.

Matteo: It's just this relationship is boring and I don't want to cheat so I think this is the best thing to do for both our sakes.

I nodded, he was tired of me. I was a boring, dull person. That was what he was saying.

Me: Gosh, I'm soo stupid. I knew you didn't love me anymore.

I expected him to at least say I wasn't but he didn't, instead, he said:

Matteo: I don't know how to reply to that.

Me: Okay.

I threw my phone on the bed and went to the bathroom. I took off my bra and my underwear and climbed into the shower. I soaped my body and turned on the cold water. As fast as I turned the knob, cold water came spewing from the shower's faucet.

I just stood there and replayed all the texts he just sent, our first kiss, the first time he held my hand, and the first I heard him say I love you. Then I blamed myself, "If only I was prettier. If only I was smarter. If only I was better. If only I wasn't me, then maybe..."

It wasn't long after, that I stepped out from the shower, dried myself, and put on my clothes. Then I went to my room got my phone and like the undead, I came downstairs, emotionless and silent, but on the inside, I was bleeding, screaming, hurting but I never spoke a word. I would never dare.

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