Chapter 8

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Hakyeon and Ken ran to each other and hugged like there was no tomorrow. Leo and Ravi just looked at each other and then back to their "guest" like they were crazy.

"I missed you so much!" Said Ken.

"Me too!"

"It's been literally seven hours since you've seen each other and it was overnight. Stop hugging!" Leo whined.

"Let them be happy. At least they are not feeling miserable after being kidnaped." Said Ravi.

"I don't think you get it, Ravi. That guy is touching the beautiful king."

"Yeah... and I believe they had hugged before." Ravi said making Leo gasped.

"Do you mean... they are lovers?"

"You are such an idiot..." Murmured Ravi. "I meant that they seem to be close."

"Like lovers?"

"You know what? Just let them hug each other, they are friends." Said Ravi. "By the way, the king can hug whoever he wants."

"That's where you're wrong. He is in my castle which means that he is from my possession." Leo said stepping closer to Hakyeon and Ken.

"You have to be kidding me..." Whispered Ravi.

"Okay, you two. Stop touching. I am not liking it, so Ken please get away from dark beauty over here."

"Are you using my skin to describe me?"

"I just thought it sounded cute."

"Well, it doesn't. I would prefer if you don't call me that or anything that you can think that is related to my skin."

"Yeah, he doesn't think, your highness. He just talks."

"Shut up, Ravi." Leo said. "I will remember that request, my beautiful king."

"I'm not yours!"

"That's what you say now, but you'll want to be mine one day."

"Excuse me?!"

"Yeah, excuse us. You cannot talk to my king like that." Said Ken.

"If you keep talking, I'll send you to Bunny Carat and trust me when I say that king Seungcheol needs a new servant."

"I know Seungcheol." Said Hakyeon. "He is really nice."

"He is not as nice as me!" Leo exclaimed.

"You are not nice. Kidnaping is not a nice thing to do." Answered Hakyeon.

"I did it for good reasons..." Leo whined.

"Kidnaping and good reasons are never in the same sentence. Ever!" Said Ken.

"Well I-" Leo was interrupted by Ravi's laugh.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Go on..." Ravi said smiling.

"Why are you laughing?" Leo asked.

"Honestly, because it's fun to see you losing in a conversation." Answered Ravi laughing again.

"You know... it was better when you used to be afraid of me."

"Well, now I'm not because I am at the same level as you."

Leo just looked at Ravi up and down. He walked away from him and went directly in front of Hakyeon.

"Let's go to the garden and I'll show you what I want you to do."


"And you will tell me what type of relationship you have with this Seungcheol."

Leo pulled Hakyeon with him, away from Ken and Ravi. They went down the stairs until they were out of sight.


"That guy is an idiot..." Ken said.

"Yeah... he really is, isn't he?"

"You are not offended by what I said about your friend?"

"Should I?"

"Maybe you should."

"Okay..." Said Ravi thinking. "No, I don't have it in me. He is 100% idiot."

"As a king, I think you should not say that."

"As a king, which I am, I think you should not be telling me what to do."

"You are my kidnaper..."

"I am not! We went over this already. I am a victim just like you."

"You pushed me down a hill."

"Correction. You fell down a hill."

They both looked at each other. Ken was looking at Ravi with  challenging eyes. Ravi just had a really bored face until he spoke.

"I don't know why you're looking at me like that. It's not like we can turn back time."

"Yes, we can. You just need to help Hakyeon and me, obviously, to escape and we will forget that you were part of this. That's how we can turn back time. As simple as that."

"Yeah... whatever you say. Let's just have breakfast." Said Ravi walking away from Ken.

"Typical stupid kings of awful villages..." Murmured Ken following Ravi


"So I want color here. Maybe roses around that fountain. See how green this place is? I believe it could look better with color."

"I'm not in the mood to do this now."

"Hakkie, sweetie. If you start now, you could leave sooner."

"Hakkie? Sweetie? Who do you think you are?!" Asked Hakyeon.

"You are in my territory, my village. So, my place goes with my rules, which means that I will call you whatever I want." Leo answered.

"You are such a pretentious." Whispered Hakyeon.

"Anyways, I was thinking that maybe I could see how you do this nature stuff."

"What? Why?"

"Because... The king of Starlight doesn't believe I can do it. That so called friend of mine will be surprised when I control my own nature without you."

"I need to talk to Ken." Said Hakyeon.

"But we haven't even-"

"I need to talk to him."


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