Late Night Calls

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I hadn't said anything to Aaron about seeing the guys off at the airport, but it was an early Wednesday morning when they left and I knew he'd think I was at school. So Mary and I woke at an ungodly hour a took our asses to the airport. We offered to give them a ride, but of course they were famous now and had a driver come pick them up in a limo. Overrated if you ask me, but very Queen like.

"How do you think you'll handle the distance with Freddie?" I asked Mary as we sat around the airport waiting for the guys to show up. How we managed to arrive before them when they were the ones leaving baffled me. Also very Queen like. "I haven't really thought about it much, I suppose we'll take each day as they come?" She said the last part like it was a question and I furrowed my brows at her. "I'm worried okay." She gushed at me hiding her face in her hands and I pulled them away laughing a little. "Mary, you know good and well that Freddie would never do anything."

She groaned a little, "I know, but you can't help but worry." "I know exactly what you mean." And all my thoughts went to Roger. What would he be doing while he was there? How would I feel not seeing him around as much? Not that I was even allowed to see him any more with my dick of a boyfriend. Roger being gone sent a pain through my chest I was unfamiliar with. I hadn't even felt like this when I told my family bye before I left for school.

Was this me admitting i'd miss Roger while he was gone? "How did you two get here before us?" Mary and I both looked up and saw John walking towards us, the other three not too far behind. "The fans always arrive before the stars." I winked at Deaky and stood up, pulling him into a hug. Mary pulled Brian in for one and then we passed the two around hugging the other. "Freddie." I said giving him a sad smile as he walked over. "My darling Memphis."

He pulled me into a bear hug and we just stood for what felt like forever. I had a special place in my heart for Freddie, he knew me on a more personal level than the other guys did and we always found something to joke about or get into when we were together. "Don't have too much fun without me, ok?" He laughed giving me a tighter squeeze. "You know I never have fun when you aren't around." I smiled and felt tears prick at my eyes. I swore I wasn't going to cry when they left, but I had grown attached to this weird group of men I knew for a short period of time.

"I'll look after him." Freddie spoke in my ear, only loud enough for me to hear. I pulled out of the hug and we held each other by the forearms and I looked at him questionably only for him to peer around me and I glanced behind me and saw Roger arguing with TSA over taking a bottle of vodka on the plane. "Freddie, I have-" "Aaron." He finished for me. "You can fool everyone, but not me dear. Besides, you're his favorite topic of discussion when drunk."

A small smile grew on my face at the thought of a drunk Roger talking the guys' ears off about me. "So i'll look after him since you wont be around for awhile." I hesitantly met his eyes, mine pleading for him to keep this between us. "Your secrets are my secrets dear, you know that." He winked at me and I pulled him for one more hug. "What am I gonna do without you, Fred?" "Mind if I get a turn?" We pulled away again, and Roger stood beside us with a sloppy grin on his face.

"I'll call when I can." Freddie said before raising his brows and shooting me a wicked grin. "Going to miss me?" Roger asked as he stepped closer to me. "Of course, who will I worship while you're gone?" I said in a sarcastic tone making him roll his eyes at me. Roger pushed every single one of my buttons, pissing me off like no one ever had; but I still had a soft spot for him. "It's not too late, you can come with us and be the traveling groupie." He shot me a wink which made me roll my eyes this time. "I think i'll stick to working at a dingy bar."

"You're more than a groupie though, aren't you love?" I looked up at him and he smiled before pulling me into a hug. His long arms wrapped around my body while mine went around his neck. His hands were on opposite sides of me and he gently rubber them sending shivers down my spine. "I'm gonna miss you, Memphis." He said, finally breaking the silence between us. I ran my fingers through his blonde hair that was starting to grow on me. "I know, Rog. I'll miss you more."

I regretted saying it as soon as it left my mouth, Roger pulling back from the hug with a smug grin on his face. "Don't let that go to your head." I said, pointing a finger at him. "It's too late for that." I bit my bottom lip shaking my head at him, I really was going to miss him. Even if after every encounter I was even more confused about my feelings towards him. He leaned in and pressed a brief kiss to my cheek and I felt myself blush at his actions. He pulled away just in time to catch it too, but before he could call me out for it Freddie was yelling at him.

"Are you two done confessing your love for each other? America is waiting for us!" It made both of us laugh and I gave him a gentle push towards them. "Go, America is waiting for you." I said mocking Freddie and he took a few steps towards them before looking back at me. "But will you wait for me until I get back?" My lips parted slightly at what he said and I didn't give it much thought before just saying "I'll consider it." He winked at me and they were all heading on the plane to truly start the rest of their lives.


The first few months of them being gone passed rather... easily. Easier than I had expected. Mary and I spent most of our time together, she would help me with class projects occasionally if she needed to get her mind off things. The holiday's were a little harder than either of us had expected, the guys couldn't make it back for those and she had taken it harder than anything, but we made it through, only shedding a few tears here and there from her. Nothing a trip to the bar and a phone call to Freddie couldn't fix.

Aaron and I had grown closer over the last couple of weeks, his temper seeming to die down and he hadn't lashed out at me in several months. Of course, we argued like any normal couple, but nothing as bad as before. I even met his family over Christmas and he took me to his cousin's wedding where he showed me off like I was a prize. I felt genuinely happy and content in these moments. My feelings grew stronger for him everyday and it seemed as if my feelings for Roger were slowly dying. That was, until he called of course.

It started out as every once in awhile, he'd wake me in the middle of the night insisting now was the perfect time to talk. He was typically belligerent drunk and half his words didn't make sense, which made it hard to be mad when I couldn't stop laughing and he'd say I was making fun of him. He'd always ask if I still missed him more and I always said I hadn't even noticed he was gone.

Then it became every time after a show. He'd call me after they got back from the after party or whatever bar they had been at that night and he'd go on and on about the shows and how the fans loved them over there. He'd starting slipping up at this point, occasionally mentioning a girl that had caught his eye that night, but promising me nothing happened. But I knew him well enough to know she was probably in bed beside him asleep.

Then it was every night. Claiming he couldn't sleep until he heard my voice and i'd tell him he was joking and he'd let out a long 'Noooooo'. And I would never admit it to him, but I began planning my nights around his calls at this point. Staying up for hours listening to his drunk heavy tongue telling me about everything new they had seen over there. He'd try and tell me about new music they were working on when they had down time and sometimes he'd even make drum noises with his mouth which left us both in a fit of laughter.

I was surprised when I got a call from him in the middle of the day though, even more surprised when he wasn't drunk when I answered. "Love, you'll never believe where the next stop is." I racked my brain before saying, "Newyork?" He let out a deep laugh. "Really? We'll be in Atlanta, Memphis." My eyes grew wide at what he had said. "What! You have to go to my hometown there's this little place call-" "I want you to fly over here and see the show. Show me around." He cut me off and I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Show US around." Freddie said taking the phone, putting emphasis on the word us. "We have plane tickets, cars and hotels booked for this weekend, dear. Mary has already started packing. All you have to do is say yes." Seeing Roger was all I could think about. He had been the one to call saying he wanted me to show him around and I was giddy at the thought of taking him to all my favorite places and seeing my friends. Getting to introduce my parents to the drummer for Queen. But then all the color drained from my face and my breathing got heavy and slow.

What would Aaron say?



this way waAaAaAay longer than I thought it would be but I needed all of this info in one chapter to make for a juicy next one

IF YALL DNT START COMMENT OR SOMETHING I just wana know if someone is enjoying the story

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