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Roger Taylor

I sat by myself with the phone pressed against my ear hard, making Freddie leave so I could talk to her alone. My leg bouncing up and down from nerves of what could've happened to her. I had already felt uneasy when I hadn't got a call from her that afternoon, but now it was nearly 1 back home and she still hadn't called. It took ages to convince Freddie to call Mary and see where Memphis was and now that he did, part of me wished he didn't. It would drive me crazy if something bad happened and I was in a completely different country unable to do anything or be there for here.

But if he hadn't called, she probably would've kept this to herself like she did with everything else. Memphis was quite the secretive person and I didn't know how I felt about it yet, what else was she hiding from me? I finally heard shaky breathing on the phone and knew it was her, making me stop bouncing my leg and sit up straighter. "Memphis? Memphis, love, are you okay?" There was no response, just loud sobs with blurred sentences I couldn't understand.

"You have to quit crying, I don't understand. Breathe. Tell me what happened." She started taking deep breaths and I could tell she was calming down, I could finally get answers. "He got in while I was gone and tore apart the entire apartment. Everything's ruined, even my books for school." "Who got in? You knew him?" There was a long pause and all that could be heard was her heavy breathing which only put me even more on edge.

"Aaron." I felt the color drain from my face and now it was my turn to breathe, except I couldn't. I was so bloody mad I could've put a hole in the wall if we weren't in a hotel room. The adrenaline pumping through me now made it impossible to sit still any longer and I dropped the phone and started pacing the room, I couldn't even think straight right now. I pulled a cigarette out of the box, sticking it between my lips and lit it before I picked the phone back up and sat back down.

"He dropped the phone." "How do you know?" "I heard it hit the ground and go-" She made an odd sound which didn't resemble a phone dropping at all, normally would've made me laugh, but I was seething with anger at the moment. "How the hell did he get in?" Her breath caught in her throat, unaware I had picked the phone up. "He had-has a key." Her voice sounded off from her nose being stopped up from crying so much.

"Who's brilliant idea was that? Huh?" I took a long pull from the cigarette, the only thing putting me at ease at the moment. "I just-I-I'm sorry." She let out the last word with defeat, her voice getting small as she said it. "He lays his hands on you and you think it'd be a smart idea to let him in your home at freewill? I thought you were smarter than that." I smashed the but of the cigarette in the ashtray, my anger not subsiding, getting worse if anything.

He nearly kills her with his own hands and she gives the man a bloody key? Baffled the absolute hell out of me. And then she decided to end things with the hotheaded psychopath while the key was still in his possession. "I can't believe you." She spat at me and I was confused. "What?" "Everything we talked about this weekend and you react the same fucking way to me." "Memphis, it's not like that-" But she had hung up the phone.

I slammed the one I was on back in it's place and ran my fingers through my hair, pressing my head down on the table. I always found a way to piss her off. "You truly have a way with words." I looked up from where my head had been and saw Freddie leaning against the doorframe, a wine glass in hand. "You heard that?" "Of course dear, and you are quite the gentleman." He had sarcasm dripping from every word, clearly amused with how I royally fucked up.

"I didn't mean to get mad at her, I just.." I trailed off. "Mad that it happened to her?" Freddie finished, taking the seat beside me and lighting a cigarette. "Yeah, exactly. Feel like every shitty thing that can happen has happened to her. So much for protecting her." I took his cigarette and puffed on it. "Suppose you need to fix this then?" I handed it back to him. "Yeah, but I don't know how from here."

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