Ronnie Williams

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Everything looked the same as it did when I left. Like time had frozen in here, nothing had been moved. I ran my fingers along one of the stools as I found my way to the bar and sat on one. "Bourbon and a beer, please." I turned around in the chair while the bartender got my drinks, taking in the small place that was full of so many memories. The first night I met Mary and Roger spilled a beer on me. The first time I saw Queen perform, not knowing they'd become one of the best bands in the world. All the times Roger brought me food because he didn't want me eating what we served. I'd seen a different side of him from the start, he wasn't the bad boy he made himself out to be to the public.

He did care about people, me mostly. He had been so protective the day Aaron yelled at us, and then when he finally found out what he'd been doing I thought he was going to murder someone. He hates seeing someone or something cause me pain. I guess that's why I was struggling to wrap my head around the fact that he was the one now causing me pain. I turned around at the sound of glasses hitting the counter. "Enjoy." I smiled at the bartender as he left me alone to sulk in pitty. I swirled the dark liquid around in the glass before throwing the entire thing down. I squeezed my eyes hard as it burned it was down my throat, immediately following it with several gulps of beer.

How did Roger drink something so horrid? I pursed my lips as I sat both drinks back on the mahogany counter. "Another one?" The man who had gotten my drinks came back to my view. I nodded my head at him, as awful as it tasted I'd drink anything to numb the way I felt right now. I watched him take the top of to the bottle to pour it. "How'd I know you'd find your way back here?" I turned my head at the sound of his voice, his tall figure making its way out of his office. Aaron too looked like he had frozen in time, not much changing with him either. "I got her." He said, taking the bottle from the mans hands and finishing off the drink before pushing it back over to me.

"Surprised to see me?" His deep voice rang in my ears. I hadn't noticed how wide my eyes had gotten at his appearance. I nodded my head slowly, reaching for the glass and taking a sip to try and fix the dry mouth I now had. "You came to my bar and are surprised I was here?" There was a tease in his tone, finding humor in how shocked I was to see him after so long. Frankly, I never thought I'd see him again. I didn't want to. He'd been so cruel to me and I didn't think I'd ever be the same again. And as I sat here trembling in front of the man I thought was the one, I knew I wasn't the same.

As badly as I wanted to hurt Roger, I knew this wasn't right. I didn't have it in me to do what he did, I loved him too much. I suppose that's difference between us, I think of him before doing something. He doesn't think of me at all until he's caught. "How many times you let him cheat before you got here?" I furrowed my brows at him. "I'm sorry?" I finally spoke, making him let out a low chuckle. "You didn't come here for a drink, Memphis and I know you didn't come to see me." My mouth fell open at his words. I quickly swallowed the other drink he had poured me, avoiding answering his burning question.

"Why'd you break into my apartment?" The liquor was giving me courage, drinking on an empty stomach had its perks sometimes. His smirking lips turned into a frown at being called out. "I tried to call and apologize a few weeks later, but you never answered-" "I don't live there anymore." I cut him off, taking a sip of the beer I still had. "Must be living with that faithful boyfriend of yours." He shot at me, making me duck my head down. "I warned you. And look what happened. Look where you are." He pulled the bottle back out and started filling up my cup again. "I'm happy to see you though, you look fit." He put the lid back on and placed the cup in front of me.

"How many times did he cheat? Twice? Three times?" He started naming off numbers and I knew I needed to leave. It wasn't right for me to come here, I didn't want to hurt Roger, not like this."I shouldn't have came here." I quickly started fumbling around in my purse looking for money, I needed to get out and fast. "Hey, hey." His large hand came over my nervous and shaking one. I could feel my heart stop as I looked up and met his eyes. "You came here to get back at him, Memphis. So why not get back at him?"

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