Wine Stains

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We were home for two days before Roger started spending most of his time in the studio and coming home late at night and was always drunk. I wasn't all that upset about it, I was able to spend more time working on the poems I wanted to send in without the distraction of Roger's wandering hands. I tried to stay up until Roger came home, but the closer it got to 2 the more tired I became. I don't remember dozing off, but a loud banging woke me up early that morning. I reached over for Roger, thinking if someone had broken in he could possibly fight them off.

My hand met the cool sheet and I pushed myself off the bed and looked over at Roger's side of the bed to see that he hadn't even came home that night. I heard the banging again and it sounded more like drums this time. I pulled Roger's black robe that had slowly become mine like his Elvis shirt over my body and snuck my way into the kitchen, trying not to make any sounds so he wouldn't know I was awake.

I leaned over the counter and watched the coffee drip into the pot slowly, Roger still aggressively banging around on his drums and mumbling cuss words ever so often. They hadn't even gone on tour for A Night At The Opera yet and they were already making another album? I assumed they were meeting about tour things, but what Roger was playing wasn't familiar to me at all. He had always let me know what they were working on or when a new album was starting to come together, it didn't make sense that he didn't mention this one to me. I pulled a coffee cup down as the pot finished up, filling the cup with the strong smelling black drink and carefully made my way to his drum room.

I stood in the doorway and watched him scribble notes down in his notebook, looking at it like it was in a foreign language and then erasing it. It felt like the first time I came here all over again and I couldn't stop myself from smiling. "Coffee?" His head snapped up at the sound of my voice and furrowed his brows at me. "Love, what are you doing up? Go back to bed." He stood from his stool and met me where I was, taking the cup from my hands and pulling me into his side. "I heard you in here, cant have you getting tired while making masterpieces." He took a sip of the coffee before pressing his now warm lips to my temple. "What did I do to deserve you?"

"Brought me a burger to a bar." I watched him smile at the memory before taking another sip. "And if I had the chance to do it again I'd do the same thing." He kisses the top of my head this time before sitting the coffee down. "I'll be quieter, you go back to bed." He made his way back to his drums and say back down on the still. I looked over at the clock on the wall reading 6:30 and knew I wouldn't be going back to bed. "I'll probably just clean and wash some clothes, not very tired anymore."

I had been blatantly ignoring the pile of dirty laundry stacking up by our door since we got home, now was as good as time as ever to get it done. "Would you grab my clothes from last night out the bathroom?" I nodded at him as he winked and started adjusting his set. I headed towards the bathroom to pick up his clothes before grabbing the massive pile in our room and making my way to the laundry room. I checked all the pockets for anything, keeping the money I found in Roger's for myself. I was throwing the last of the things in when a deep red velvet stain caught my eye.

I picked Roger's shirt out the wash from last night and studied the stain on his collar, looking like he had tried to scrub it out in the bathroom before coming home. I took the shirt and made my way back to Roger, needing to know what the stain was if I was going to properly clean it and get it out. He didn't look like he had gotten in a fight so it couldn't have been blood. "Roger?" He stopped drumming and turned his attention to me. "What happened to your shirt?" I held up his white button up with the very prominent red stain on it. "Oh that." He said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Freddie brought wine to the studio, thought it might help loosen us up." I nodded my head slowly, taking in what he had been saying. Freddie was the biggest wine fantic I knew aside from myself, I swear the man drinks at least 3 bottles a day. "You never mentioned a new album, are y'all not going on tour for A Night At The Opera?" I folded the shirt back up in my hands. "It's just going to be a small tour for that one, around London really. Figured it'd be the best time to start working on the next record. I'll be home more and you'll be able to tag along to more shows this time." He winked at me which made me roll my eyes.

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