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It took a while to figure out how I would start this story, so I'm sorry about that anyways hope you enjoy it.
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"Hey we're are those bastards at!?" A man with a velvet cape, with golden armour sitting on a beautiful magestic white horse said.

"We don't know sir, they used a spell to for their escape!" A group of five soldiers exclaim.

"Then what are you idiot's still doing here go find them noowww!!"

"Yes sir!!" The soldiers replied, then scurried away in a hurry.

"Fuck!... We're did they hide.. if I don't get their heads, it will be off with my head instead!!" The man yelled frustrated. He then glanced to the side feeling eyes on him, to his surprise their was man with a black hood, that cover his face starring right at him.

"Who the hell are you?"

"I'm afraid I'm no special person, but i know were they are hiding at."

"Oh really..... but how do I know that you are not lying to me?"

"Well I guess you will just have to trust my words then, I mean it's not like you have any other choice right."

"... fine but if you try any funny stuff, I'll slice you in half on the spot is that clear."

"Of course, now why don't we get going shall we?" 

"Mom why are we leaving, I thought we were going to have a picnic by the lake, and wait for dad there." A little boy that was wearing a dark hood, and about seven years old with beautiful blue eyes, and blond hair ask his mother. Who was currently packing the food and blanket that was supposed to be used in the picnic.

"Sorry sweetie but something important came up and we have to go home, and don't worry about your dad he will be there when we arrive." The mother of the little boy answered, she had long beautiful raven hair as dark as night that reach all the way to her waist. With the same beautiful blue eyes as his son, and not to forget two horns on each side of her head.

"Okay, mom" the boy answer a little disappointed.

As the mother held her child in her arms, she hurried towards their home as fast as she could, only to stop after caching a glimpse of soldiers with shinny armor not to far from them. What are the kingdoms soldiers doing this deep into the woods... this is bad.
To her displease one of the soldiers saw them both, she didn't want to give any chance of advantage to those soldiers, so she casted a wind spell to alter her speed. As soon as she took off she saw the soldiers running towards her, exclaiming to stop. But it was of no use because she disappeared in a blink of an eye, leaving them in shock.

Thanks to the spell the two of them were able to make it to their home in an instant. When she placed her son safely on the ground, a tall blond male with brown eyes came dashing from inside their house and towards them. At plain sight you could see that he was indeed human since he didn't have a pair of horns like his wife. "You're both finally home I was so worried" he spoke in a hush voice so only his wife could hear, "did you see any soldiers in the way back home?" "Unfortunately i did" she spoke with fear in her voice. 

There was short silent pause before he spoke the next words with a shaky voice. "Di-did they see your fac-es?" "I don't think so we were both cover very well, and as soon as we made eye contact we disappeared just as soon" "That's a relief... wait you weren't followed either right?" "No" "Good, I'm glad but it won't hurt for us to be more cautious from now on" "That's true" she nodded her head, while glancing over towards her son's direction who still had his hood covering his small features. And was busy making flower crowns. Feeling his eyes on himself, he started to get up from the ground and dust himself. Both his parents then notice their son started running towards them holding three flower crowns on his chubby little hand. "Dad, mom I made crowns for you both" he exclaimed happily.

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