Chapter 3

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But that wasn't the only odd thing that occurred, the blood that created the magic circle started to deform and flow into Jimin's open wounds, carrying along the unusual blue flames too.

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Author Pov

Everything was silent, it was so silent you could hear a pin drop. She was waiting for something to happen. Something that will change him for the rest of his life............ instantly something did began to take place. His open wounds that were engraved by the knife started to close up as if nothing ever happened. Once again there was silence, she was waiting with anticipation if the ritual actually worked. Then she noticed the first sign the ring she had placed on Jimin turned from blue, to purple, then red and back to purple, and finally to it's original color blue. With that a wave of relieve washed over her knowing now that the danger already passed by. The change of colors in the ring meant the recognizing of a new master of the ring. It would take a while for Jimin to wake up so in the mean time she carried him to a corner of the room, and proceeded to hide him by placing boxes like before. She kissed her son's forehead gently and said goodbye.

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Mother POV

I'm worried about my husband, and the fact that I haven't heard anything outside. As I thought many questions started to fill my head.

What is the objective of those men?

How did they find us?

Did the men already leave?

Or are they still hiding and waiting outside?


Is he still alive?

I couldn't help but let out a shaky breath at the thought. I put that aside not wanting to think the worst, so I kept walking up the stairs leading to the exit. I tried to hear any kind of noise by placing my ear on the door, but I couldn't hear anything. So I opened the door as quietly as possible, but unfortunately for me the door let a creak making me flinch. Then I heard a voice "hey did you hear that?" At that moment panic started to consume me, my palms began to sweat like crazy and I could even hear my heartbeat because of how hard, and fast it was beating. "You go and check that out" "But why me!?" "Because I say so, and the only reason why you are here is because you are helping us find the fugitives. You should feel honored that your body isn't rotting right now in a ditch with flies and maggots"

". . . Couldn't you at least sugar coat that?"


"Chill I'm going but, why are you always so grumpy do you have worms up your ass?"

"Don't fucking make me hit you"


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I took the chance to sneak around the house when the men were arguing, I even made a little bit of noise on purpose to drive them away from were jimin was sleeping. It seem like the men were on the second floor, I quickly began to walk towards the place were I last saw my husband. When I finally reached the front door I saw him with a stab wound on his stomach, and not only that but his throat had a giant slash that created a pool of blood around his head. Stopping myself from screaming, I placed both my hands over my mouth. Tears started to flood my eyes falling uncontrollably, my legs suddenly felt like jelly making me collapse on my knees. I removed my hands from my mouth and placed them on the wooden floor, and started dragging myself towards my husband while biting my lips together stopping me from crying out. When I eventually reached him I grabbed his arm and hugged it, then proceeded to lean down and kiss him on the lips becoming tainted with blood. Tears still kept coming falling down towards his face, making it look as if he was the one that was crying. "Why... why did this happen...... everything was perfect we were living a beautiful live like we always dreamed of. But why did it had to end like this...... what did we do to deserve this we never hurt anyone, we were never careless to reveal ourselves. Everything we went through to only end like this...... we finally had the family we always wanted... and our son.... jiminie...... is he going to grow up without a father now?"

"Ooh, so you do have a child after all~"

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