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Gracie Williams (main character) (14)

A small, slim girl with mousy brown curly hair and green eyes with a shy and anti social personality with a loving and caring attitude she is a animal lover and loves to explore, she is extremely curious and often wonders off into the woods to find a creature she had been wanting to find for months. Little does Gracie know but she has been chosen for a special prophecy, her actions over the years have given her the opportunity to become one of the creatures, a gifted canine. If she accepts the offer, she will live along side them and eventually become their leader. And if she does not, she would have to be brain washed, making sure she does not remember anything.


Karen (mother) (35)

Karen is a loving mother but sometimes can be a bit strict. The brunette mother of three manages most of the time, as they have quite a bit of money and can manage on their own just fine. Karen home-schools her kids along with her husband, Joel. Karen knows nothing about the prophecy that will overcome her daughter and is in complete doubt when Gracie mentions about a white wolf roaming the forest and howling outside the cabin.

Joel (father) (37)

Joel's loving personality is where Gracie gets her traits from. Also a brunette father of the three children he home schools them, teaching them every single thing there is to learn. He also is in complete doubt when Gracie talks about the wolf and howls. He decides to leave for a few days, because of his work problems. He works every Saturday and Sunday and sometimes has to go out of the country to work at other sites.

Kyle (brother) (4)

Kyle is a cute little toddler that has a twin, Bailey. Kyle being the eldest of the two, is the middle child. Depending on his parents for survival and teaching him new things, he also looks up to his older sister, admiring her art and behaviour he wants to be just like her.

Bailey (sister) (4)

Bailey is the youngest of the three, she is the one that causes most of the trouble by not doing what she is told and basically just making a mess everywhere she appears. Gracie can tell she would be very popular in school because of her behaviour and her sweet little dimples.

EclipsePack (the pack)


A Snow White she wolf that is gifted with the power to talk to humans, no she is NOT a werewolf, but a simple wolf. One that howls every night by the entrance if the forest near the old cabin Gracie and her family lives in. She often passes by the house too, making sure the young girl is safe and secure, little does Gracie know but she has been chosen to live the path of a wolf along Tuphari and her pack, a pack that is also filled with gifted wolves waiting for the most powerful wolf of all to lead them. She has a mate that she had recently been with, his name is Kai and he is the head of the pack for the moment. Her gift at the moment is to shape shift. She can shift into any living creature she wanted to, from ant to human to elephant. She may shift as she pleases, as long as she is back in wolf form by midnight.


A jet black male wolf with a muscular build and has a very manipulative personality, manipulating animals to do whatever he wants this wolves gift is to manipulate. I know it sounds like a pretty stupid gift but trust me, it comes in a lot of handiness. His mate is Tuphari and they are the head of the pack until Gracie joins.


Orlaith is a small, shy brown she wolf with no powers at all for this moment, she has to find her true power, she has not found it yet though. She has no mate right now because she is one of the lowest ranked wolves in the small pack.


Balto is a light grey make with a bold personality. He hardly ever backs down and likes to mess around with the she's. He is not a wolf to get to attached to, he normally doesn't stick around for long but after discovering his gift, which is to read minds, he had no choice but to join this pack.


A cruel and envious timber she wolf, Dakota had no choice but to join eclipse pack after finding her power, to breath under water. She gets jealous easily and normally messes with Balto and Orlaith.

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