Chapter 5: Oh My God!

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I woke up that morning with severe toothache. I sat up in bed and stretched, them I swung my legs over the side and stood up. I looked outside my window to see sleet. Sheets of it. Just covering the ground, piling higher and higher. I made my bed and suddenly a sharp pain struck my jaw, I wailed silently and clutched it as hard as I could. Running into my bathroom, I stopped before the mirror, pulling my lips to the side to see my tooth. What is happening to me?! I thought as I saw my canine teeth, swelling up and looking sharp as hell. I put my index finger on the tip of the tooth, only for it to bear blood. I stared at my eyes. They were going s different colour! They were turning a eye piercing blue colour! I stared as my pupils swelled up and fur started sprouting out of my arms and my chest.

I gasped and fell to the floor, I got onto my hands and knees and started to pant loudly. My eyes squinted and I felt my pyjama bottoms rip. I forced my eyes shut, only to reopen them a few seconds later. I was quite low to the ground and I felt the cold, hard floor against my body as I sat up. I stood up and stared into the mirror...I was a wolf. I was a light grey wolf with dark specks and blue eyes. I widened my eyes as I heard my mother coming up the stairs. She knocked on the door. Crap! I thought as I heard her begin to speak. "Hunny? Are you awake?" She said. "Yes mam." I replied. There was a long silence. "Can I come in?" She asked. I furiously shook my head. "No! Uh, I mean no im naked a second." I waited for the door to open, but it didn't. "Oh..Ok, but breakfast is downstairs alright?" I smiled to myself and replied to her. "Yes mother."

I heard her footsteps fade away as she went back downstairs. I sighed a sigh of relief and noticed I was still a wolf. I had a sharp pain inside of my skull. I clutched my head with my "paws" and lay there in agony. I could see the wolf! I could see Tuphari! She was standing in the middle of a field. She was smiling right at me. "Just believe and you will be transformed back." She smiled and then faded away. I opened my eyes once more and gave a long, hard thought and then there was another sharp pain in my jaw. I squinted and curled into a ball, my tail had shrunk and there was nothing there at all.

Oh My God! I thought to myself. "Im a person again!" I stood up, looking at my hands and my feet and then staring in the mirror. I smiled to see my self again, my lovely, human self. I walked out of my door and down the stairs to sit at the table, where a bowl of sugar puffs was waiting for me. I picked up the spoon and sunk it in, taking big scoops out and eating it all. I smiled at my brother and sister in their high chairs and then my parents, who were in the kitchen doing the dishes.

I stood up and tucked my chair underneath the table. I ran upstairs and got changed into some black leggings, a pink Hollister hoodie and brown ugg boots. I brushed my hair and combed it back into a pony tail and left my room, putting my phone inside of my pocket. It rumbled, I assumed i had a text. I did. It was from Molly.

Thursday 10:28am
Molly: Hey Gracie! How's the cabin? It's been great here in school, there's this new Kid called Scott and he is HELLA weird! He growls at the other students and his eyes go a bright yellow when he is angry, and has to be excused from class! He's a freak!! xxx

Read 10:29am

Gracie: hey! Don't call him a freak! xxx

I slipped my phone back into my pocket and smiled at my parents as i reached for my front door. "Be safe." My dad said. I nodded and closed the door behind me. I looked at the small, fragile flakes of snow landing on the ground. I trudged forewords and looked at the beaming eyes before me. I couldn't tell you what it was, but it was watching my every move. I walked towards it and it simply leapt back and ran into the forest, I ran after it. The creature was putting up quite a chase, too hard for a human to handle. I put my phone safe and closed my eyes. The next thing I knew was I was lower to the ground and running even faster! I was catching up to the beast when all of a sudden, it vanished.

I stopped running and glanced around for the unknown beast. It was no where to be seen. I heard a crack behind me and I whizzed around to see a jet black wolf, snarling at me. His luminous yellow eyes beamed and saw right through me. It lunged foreword and I winced and excepted my fate...when a brown wolf came out of no where! The wolf knocked the black male over and snarled at him angrily, the she wolf stared at him with her piercing eyes and stomped the ground with her paw, causing a ray of fire to spread right by where the male was lying down.

He winced and squealed and stood up, running off and leaving a trail of fur behind. I stared at the she wolf, she was staring straight ahead, her eyes widened as if in shock. I stared at her and stood up, padding over to her with a concerned look. "Are you alright?" I asked her. She shakily nodded her head. "Y-yes.." I looked at her. "!What's wrong?" I asked once more. She shook her head and continued. "I-i found my power...m-my power is fire!" I smiled and looked at her happily grinning, she then noticed me. She studied me properly and then gasped. "I know what you are! Y-your a Ray w-wolf!!!" She exclaimed and bounced about happily.

"Tuphari will be so pleased to meet you!" She smiled. Tuphari emerged from a bush behind her. "I already have, Orlaith." She chuckled and I stood there staring at the two. There was a silence until I started to talk again. "What was that thing you saved me from, uhh-" The brown she smiled. "Orlaith. My names Orlaith. And it was a death-eater um, your name?" I laughed. "Gracie." She smiled and continued. "Gracie, they are out to get all ray wolves. They feast off of the magic and power they produce, just one Ray wolf would produce enough magic to keep three entire death-eater packs alive for a few centuries!!!" She exclaimed.

Tuphari could see the worried look on my face and interrupted her. "But they won't get you because we are here." She gave Orlaith a glare. Orlaith lowered herself to the ground and bent her ears back. I smiled, feeling reassured I looked at them both. "I found my power!" Orlaith said to Tuphari as she stood back up. Tuphari smiled. "Im a fire wolf!" She nodded. "I know." Orlaith looked at her for a few minutes, puzzled. "You knew?" She asked. Tuphari nodded and shook her tail. "I know all powers. All except for Gracie's, that is." She looked at me. "Gracie will have to find her power herself." She said as a snowflake landed on her nose.

I smiled and shut my eyes, concentrating. I turned back into a human and looked at the time. It was only 11:30, no worries. "Gracie." Tuphari started. I looked up at her. "Hmm?" She smiled. "We would like you to come to our den for a while, just for you to see what it's like" I nodded. "I would love to. Is it far from here?" I asked. She shook her head. "Just follow me." I smiled and followed her through twisting paths and a secret entrance to a small cave. I ducked as I walked in. I saw three other wolves sat inside the cave. They all looked up at me, as if my presence was like a fire on a cold winters day. "Gracie.." Tuphari said. "Meet the rest of the pack. Kai, Balto and --" She sighed as a she wolf came up to me with a disgusted look. "And who are YOU?!" She said. "Dakota." Tuphari sighed. "Dakota sit down. Your talking to the ray wolf right there." Dakota looked at me with jealousy in her eyes. "Ray wolf, eh?" She said.

I nodded awkwardly as a familiar wolf walked up behind her. "Back off Dakota!" He said. I smiled. "We've met before, hey Im Balto." I smiled and looked at the other wolf in the corner that stood up and was nearing me. "Im Kai." He smiled. I looked at the big scar on his eye and smiled back. I'd hate to have a scar like that...

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