Chapter 1: The New House.

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"The directions say to turn left honey." My mother said as my dad was driving down the narrow, tree surrounded lanes of Louisiana. "But the satnav says to go straight ahead!" I sat in the back of the five seater car in the middle of my two 4 year old siblings. They were both sleeping with their heads slumped up against the side of their car seats. I smiled but it soon faded as I saw the big sign up ahead. 'Welcome to Lousiana!" I sighed and looked down at my phone. I had a new iPhone 5c and saw I had a notification. I clicked on it and it flicked over to messages. It was my best friend, Molly. I smiled as I read our conversation in my head.

Friday 06:57

Molly: Hey Grace, you up yet? xxx

Read 7:08am.

Gracie: Now I am and im going to miss you SOOO bad when we move to Louisiana... xxx

Read 7:26am

Molly: I know! Im going to miss you in school :( especially lunch... xxx

Read 7:38am

Gracie: dont you'll make me cryyyyyyy lol :') xxx

Read 8:03am

Molly: atleast u will meet new friends wont u! :) xxx

Read 8:09am

Gracie: no..not

Read 8:15am

Molly: what do you mean? xxx

Read 8:16am

Gracie: im not going to a public school being home

Read 8:23am

Molly: oh....well you will still have me! Ill text and ring EVERY day! xxx

Read 8:27am

Gracie: lol yes ! xxx

Read 8:32am

Molly: see you at school! xxx

Read 8:33am

Gracie: not going! I have to pack for Sunday :((((( xxx

Read 8:35am

Molly: oh ok....well ill ring u after!!!!!

Read 8:36am

Gracie.: k xxx

Read 8:37am

Sunday 02:37am

Gracie: you never rang.......:(

Read 10:11am

Molly: oh my god im so sorry!

Read 10:14pm

Molly: Gracie?

Read 10:16pm

Molly: GRACE!?

Read 10:18pm

Saturday 10:18pm

Gracie: Im on the plane...bye Molls, tty when I get in the

Read 06:56am

Sunday 7:45am

Molly: Kk xxx

Read 8:39pm

I smiled and went to text her back when one of the twins started to stir and my dad looked in the mirror. "Gracie, do me a favour babe?" He asked. I nodded and he smiles. "Get bailey's bottle out if the bag? As well as Kyle's?" I nodded once more and bent down to get the bottles, Bailey started crying, which woke up Kyle, but he stayed quite. I gave Bauley her bottle and she grasped on to it while Kyle gently took it from my hands.

I then gave Bailey and Kyle their dummies and put the bottles back in the baby bag, they both dosed off and a few minutes later, so did I. I woke up to my dad shaking me. We were in the middle of the forest, parked up outside a creepy looking cabin. I got out the car as my parents held the twins and went up to the door, the door creaked open as they unlocked it and walked inside. It looked a lot nicer inside that out. It was beautiful! Oh god I've never seen anything like it before! My dad grinned at me in awe. "How do you like it?" He asked. "Its....fantastic!" I replied. My parents went upstairs with me following behind, we walked into a master bedroom with a king sized bed, two dressers, a bookshelf, a on-suite and a computer and desk.

"This is mine and your mothers room," my dad said before walking into a decent sized room with a single bed, a dresser, a on-suite and a big fluffy carpet. "This is your room, Gracie." He then said. Soon after we walked into a large room with two cots, a blue and a pink, two dressers and a cupboard. This was Kyle and baileys rooms. My parents put them in their cots while they fell asleep again and started to unload the car while I sat on my bed. It said I had internet connection so I went onto google and typed in, "why do elephants have trunks?" It worked. I have internet. Oh my god. Amazing. As I walked back down the stairs I glanced around, to my right was a living room with a TV on the wall with a big sofa and a coffee table, to my left was a big table and chairs, the dining table and the kitchen. I looked below the stairs, there was the downstairs bathroom. I went back upstairs to lay on my bed, I soon fell asleep and was woken by my mother shaking me. "We have unpacked everything in the car," I nodded. "Cool?" She laughed.

"Its dinner time. Come downstairs shortly." She then got up and walked out of the room. When i finally got up, I walked downstairs and sat at the table, where the twins were in their high chairs and my mother and father dishing out food. They placed a plate of pasta and cheese in front of me. Mmm. My favourite. I scoffed it down while they fed the babies, whole taking small spoonfuls for themselves, I walked back upstairs and lied down on my bed, browsing YouTube on my iPhone. Again, I dozed off to be woken a few ours later by my mum. "Time for sleep, chook." She said as I quickly got changed and lied under my covers. She kissed my forehead and left my room.

That night I couldn't sleep. I kept hearing strange noises outside, as if someone was running past, crunching the leaves... the end i dozed off but I still couldn't help but wonder what was outside.

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