Chapter 4: Woah, What?!

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I woke up to see my mum sat next to me on my floral bed sheets stroking my forehead. I smiled as she returned her gaze with one too. I yawned and went to sit up, to be immidiatley pushed back down. "Rest, Gracie." She said firmly to me, staring me in the eye. I nodded and laid back down. She then kissed my forehead, stood up and left my room. I then sat up immediately and yawned, stretching my arms and then making my bed. After that I got dressed, I chucked on a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a blue Hollister hoodie with my blue converse. After I was dressed I entered my bathroom and washed my face along with brushing my hair and tying it up into a pony tail.

I went downstairs and my mother glared at me. "I told you to stay in bed Gracie!" I stared at her and stayed silent as she sighed loudly. "Sorry, mum." I said sitting at the table where my dad served me up some cereal. After I finished eating I grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket. "And where do you think your going?" My mother asked me as I was reaching for the door handle. "I want to explore." My mothers raised an eyebrow and I sighed and let go. "You fainted last night. What if you faint out there alone! No one can help you!" I glared at her. "I'll be fine! If I dont come back by 3, then Im dead." I smirked as she gasped and gave a disapproving look.

I reached for the handle once more, not be interrupted and walked outside, the fresh air was amazing! I felt more free than ever! I began to quickly jog down the small route, in hope of looking for the crack again. I looked at my phone and at the weather. Sunny with a bit of clouds. I smiled and saw there was also on two days away from a full moon, this would be interesting. I then put it back in my pocket and looked towards me. "The heck?!" I said to myself as I stared at the small entrance along the wall. I walked towards it cautiously and stared inside, it was dark and looked quite wet but I still got on my knees and crawled through.

It was quite a long tunnel and when I was nearing the end I could hear whispering. What this place haunted or something? Were there ghosts here? Wanting me to leave? Then all I could hear was. "Shh! She's coming!!!" And then I heard scuttling. So I crawled faster and reached the end. I looked around and saw a beautiful small pond, filled with all types of cod and koi. And a small waterfall tipping water inside of it. There were butterflies flying around everywhere and birds chirping happily, the whole place made me feel happy! But then I caught something in the glimpse of my eye and i immediately felt sadness and depression.

I turned to see a dead, dried up, bare tree. Everything around it was dead and moulting. There were flowers dying and animals lifeless underneath the branches of the strange tree. I turned away from it, and all the happiness filled me. Weird. I heard more scuttling and whizzed around. "Who's there?" I asked. "Anyone??" There was no answer. "I know you are there. There's no point in hiding. I heard you on the way through the tunnel. What is this place?" I asked. There was more scuttling from a large bush away from me, suddenly for a girl to appear.

She had...white hair tied back into a pony tail with a jumper and a pair of leggings with uggs on. "Sorry. Me and my friends like to play tricks on people." She said fiddling her thumbs, her freckles were dotted frantically across her face. I smiled at her. "Its fine. But friends?" I asked. She nodded. "Yes, friends." I stared at her awkwardly before continuing. "But no one lives up here. Only me. The town and the nearest house is a few miles away!" She just smiled at me.

"I am Tupari." I nodded and looked at her silvery white locks that fell past her shoulders, "I am---Wait! Tupari? Did you say?" She nodded, "You were in my dream! Y-Your a W-W-Wolf!" She smiled at me, her teeth suddenly turning into sharp canines and fur began sprouting out of her body, her pupils were bigger as they focused on me. I stood there in complete, utter shock at what had happened before me,

"Hello, Gracie. We have been expecting you." She said as I quivered and backed away. "W-We?" I said. She nodded and two kids came out of the bush behind her. "This is Kai." She said pointing her paw at a tall, slim boy with black hair and green eyes. He smiled at me and waved. "Hey." She pointed to the other boy, he had blonde hair and brown eyes. "That is Balto." I nodded and shook their hands. "So you are all..." Balto cut me off. "Wolves. Yes." He said and smiled.

I smiled back at him and then looked at Tupari. "You have been expecting me?" I questioned her as she nodded. "We have indeed. Our ancient ansesters have told us about the special ones. The ones with every power! But the powers however, have been trapped inside few humans. You, Gracie, are one of them humans. Only five in total exist in the world." I widened my eyes as the information whirled around my head. "What is my power?!" I asked her. She just smiled and stayed silent. "You, will have to figure that our yourself,"

The next thing I knew, I was outside the big stone wall. There was no entrance and I looked at my phone. It was nearly 3 so I had to hurry back. I ran back to the cabin and walked inside to see my parents at the table. "Where are the twins?" I asked as I sat down to eat my sandwhich they made for me. "They are at their first day." I sighed. "oh." I finished my small sandwhich and ran upstairs. For the rest of the day I just did weird little sketches, of wolves hunting and small wolf/human crossbreeds. It was around 7 o clock when my dad came up. The twins had come home at 5 so they were tired, and screaming. So my parents put them to bed and then he entered my room.

"Start settling down sweetheart." He said as I looked up at him. "Okay daddy." I said as I put my pencil and booklet aside and my phone on charge, I changed quickly and hopped into bed, then turned out my light. That night, all I could think or dream about was my "powers"...thats if the whole wolf thing was real...I hope not...

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