Meeting Giorno

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Today is a big day for you. you and your friend Kouki nejio are going to meet Passione, your favorite group of Gangstars. You, yourself, are particularly excited to spring a surprise on Kouki, you won a contest sponsored by Passione themselves. whoever won got to bring themselves and a friend onto the crew.  "h... HOLY SHIT I OVER SLEPT!" you hurriedly said because you were almost about to be late meeting your friend.  You got ready at mach two speed and gave your mom a goodbye kiss and left the house. you find your friend Kouki and tell him "You ready for today?" "Whass today," Kouki said. "Oh nothing," you casually said, " you're gonna love it, trust me" " Ok i'm really not sure what you're talking about. you take a trip to the store and buy yourself some things. finally you get to the port and suddenly a yellow haired stranger looking for someone. "umm. excuse me sir, have you seen a certain Y/N Jippunbaki around here?" "Yeah I think they are here somewhere." said the boat attendant " uhhh... Y/N why did he say your name?" Kouki asked "Oh it's the surprise." suddenly the yellow haired man goes up to the duo and says " You must be Y/N, right." "yes that's me and this is my friend Kouki" you said. Kouki suddenly blurts out, " I...I...I know who that man is, He's Giorno Giovanna." You reply "yes that is the surprise, I won a special contest sponsored by Passione, and the prize is that we get to join the group." Kouki screeched " EEEEEEE, OH MY GOD YOU'RE THE BEST Y/N!"

You suddenly end up asking him "what's that figure behind you?" Giorno asks to talk to you in peace. you go to an alleyway and he asks " how can you see my stand?" You reply, "I have a stand too, but I didn't know what its actual classification was until now." He says " My stand's name is Golden Experience, its power is to imbue life in dead or non living things." You show you stand to him and tell him its name and power. " My Stand's name is ocean man, its power is water manipulation, just watch," You activate the stands power and you suddenly bring up some water from the ocean and see bullets getting shot at it. " Giorno, excuse me but, why is my wave being shot at." Giorno replies " oh that's my crew, I have a crewmate named Guido Mista, his stand is Sex pistols, he can manipulate the way he shoots a bullet. there is also Narancia Ghirga, his stand is Little Bomber, it uses a lethal weaponry found in large planes localized. There's also Abacchio, but he is a fucking dick, he tried to make me drink his piss once." " Oh... My friend just recently got a stand, he named it sins not tragedies. its' power is to track down people with a special feeling of despair. it can track it by that and can also be used at anywhere in the world. I also have this weird star mark on my neck like you, but I can tell you that later." " Ok time to get your friend" Giorno finally ended the conversation.

You ended up going back to your friend and he asked where you were. You just told him in a very quiet undertone, " we were at an alley way because I saw his stand."  suddenly Kouki yells, " OHHHH SO THAT'S WHAT IT IS!" He suddenly starts to get his ass handed to him. Giorno decides to punch his leg turning it into wood. 


A/N: hey guys first part I hope you like this first part, it took some time and effort so I hope you enjoy. let me know if you think ocean man or sins not tragedies powers should be changed. 

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