Fun Double Date

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Y/N starts and shows herself to Kouki, she died her hair blue and is wearing a purple dress she also is wearing a rose on her head.

She then sees Kouki, look dashing in his grandpa's suit, it had a lot of money on it ($ ¥ €) he had the tie too decorated with roses and guns.

Y/N: "wow... kouki, you accomplished the impossible, you know what I have to do now"

Flash back to when they were young

Y/N: hey kouki, wanna make a bet

Kouki: sure.

Y/N: if you look stylish when we go on a double date, I'll dance to a special song in front of your date, my date, and you.

Kouki: ok.

Flash forward

Kouki: yes one moment, let's go meet trish and giorno at the cafe

Zippy zoom to giorno's room

Giorno: I'm ready, now to go to the cafe

Zip to trish

Trish: let's go to the cafe

At the cafe:

Suddenly giorno, kouki, and trish see a bunch of bluetooth speakers

Out of nowhere Ocean man starts playing

Y/N gets a groove on but little does she know, she's summoning jotaro.

Jotaro goes faster than the gym teacher's grandma and arrives there

Jotaro: I have been summoned

Everyone internally: FUCCCCCC

Jotaro leaves and they go in the cafe

Kouki paid for him and trish and Y/N paid for her and giorno.

They all went to base and got very fuckin tipsy

*forbidden NONO noises and this plays in the background*

A/N this will be updated later enjoy for now

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