Prologue - Disease

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Deep in the woods of England, during the worst blizzard of December, 1960, a mansion's lights are all off. All but one. The stone estate, home of the Noctis family, is in a place of panic. The proud, pure-blood parents of (Y/N) Noctis are frenzied. They pace in the nursery of their newborn daughter, with a single candle lighting up the cobble room.

"What do we do, Magus?" Celeste Noctis asks, looking down at the crying baby in her bassinet. The young girls soft, (s/c) skin is stained a deep scarlet, and her parents have done nothing about it. Instead, Magus, a man with deep brown hair and steely blue eyes, looks to the newly opened window of the nursery.

The blizzard rages outside, bringing harsh windows and white whisps. A search party for the intruder had not been attempted, it would be fruitless with the layers of snow. It was clear what had entered the extravagant manor, even though the face of the man was not seen as he fled through the second story opening. A vampire. A man that carries the disease porphyria in his blood.

Of course, muggles had stolen the name centuries ago. They named it after a disease involving no magical experiences, but of course that is the opposite of its true nature. To the wizarding community, porphyria is a dreaded illness, one that brings nothing but pain. Those who carry it can rarely enter the light, fanged teeth, and worst of all: must drink human blood. The only way to recieve the illness is to be decent of Dracula -another man stolen by muggles in a legend- or to be bitten by a vampire itself. The latter has just happened to (Y/N). Thankfully, the symotoms of a bitten vampire are not as terrible as a decendant of one.

Those who are changed may still enter the sun, but not for extraordinarily long periods of time. Nor must they feed as often as others, only once a month. That doesnt change the single red eye that (Y/N) has just inherited. Her left eye is now a crimson, unlike her right (e/c) one.

Two holes are ripped into the infants neck, and thick, crimson drops cascade down the child's throat. She whines, crying for the assistance of her parents, kicking with what little movement she is capable of. She squirms and screams as Magus and Celeste stare at their daughter, but make no move to her. Yes, they loved her not weeks ago when she was born, but right now? They want nothing more than to disavow the witch.

"I will not have her stain the family name." Magus says, glaring down at his offspring. Any reasonable, decent mother would lash out at her husband for such a remark, but the heartless woman feels the same.

"The public already knows of her life." The raven haired lady with emerald orbs states bitterly. "Its not as if we can simply rid ourselves of the burden."

Magus takes this into consideration as he twirls his wand in his hands. Why not simply kill the beast? Her canine teeth have already grown more pointed than any mortals should be. Yet for the sake of his name, he pockets his weapon.

"No, we can't." He briskly steps across the room, grabbing the windows and pulling them shut. "But that doesnt mean we must nuture her."

As the windows shut, the room warms the slightest bit. Celeste raises an eyebrow, knowing all servants in the mansion are asleep. Perhaps if they were more careful, they would still have a daughter that was loveable to them. They no longer do. Celeste picks up the candle, taking it with her into the hall as her stoic groom walks out with her.

"You have never been more correct, my love."

With that, the bedroom door slams shut. (Y/N) is left to writh in her cradle as her parents walk back to their own chambers, locking the door tightly. The young infant knows nothing of what is to come of her now.

She hasnt the slightest idea of her upcoming childhood, filled with neglect from her family. Not of her acceptance to Hogwarts, the castle school that will become her true home. Not her friends, the Marauders, and all the mischief the group is sure to come to. It will be in her nature after all, with the disdain her parents and she will feel mutually, to be rebellious. She hasnt the faintest idea of her trouble with the bite, the temptations that will come to her, James, Sirius, Peter, and Remus who will help her through it. (Y/N) simply doesnt know as the snow storm rages outside her window, something she will grow accustomed to looking out of as she longs to go back to Hogwarts every summer.

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