3 - Teaching

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You step off the train, which has just pulled to a stop. You and Lupin are the first two off, carrying your old, beaten cases in your hands. The rain falls from the sky, but doesn't hit your head. Your wand is aimed above you, and an invisible umbrella protects you from the water; Remus does the same.

The carriages that escort people roll onto the pathway near the station. They pull themselves, black carts that will take everyone to the castle in the distance. You and Lupin clamber into one, and set your suitcases on one bench while you seat yourselves on the other. The wooden wheels begin to roll, splashing through puddles and rolling over rocks.


You watch on with a rather bored posture. You are slacked, your spine pressed against the back of a wooden chair with a high back. You sit at the high table with the rest of the teachers in the Great Hall. Four tables, each spanning the fifty foot length of the rectangular room, seat the students. Gryffindors, Slytherins, Ravenclaws, and Hufflepuffs alike all watch as a chorus of students stand in front of your table, singing at the dwarf Professor Flitwick leads them in song.

You grab the golden goblet that rests next to your platter. To your right sits Lupin, to your left Professor Serverus Snape. Lupin elbows you as you reach for your goblet.

"Sit like a teacher, (Y/N)." He says, grabbing your bicep and pulling you up. You roll your eyes, but comply as the choir takes their seats. Now, the hundreds of students in four rows stare up at you as Albus Dumbledore stands from his golden seat. He walks around the long desk that you sit at, standing at a golden podium in front of the High Table. The man with the long white beard and silver robes speaks to the many children in the room with a booming voice.

"Welcome! Welcome to another year at Hogwarts! I have a few things to say, before we become befuddled by our excellent feast. I myself am particularly looking forward to the flaming kiwi cups, which, while somewhat treacherous for those of us with facial hair..."

You snicker as McGonagall clears her throat from a few seats down. You glance at Lupin, thinking it would be hilarious to see his mustache catch fire. He catches you staring, and rolls his eyes. You pull your goblet to your lips, taking a sip and then setting it down once more.

"Drinking something red again, Noctis?" You turn your head, seeing Severus Snape glaring at you. The tall, lanky man is dressed in black robes, and his hair is still the same lengthy raven shape it was in school. Of course, all the staff in the school are aware of the diseases you and Remus carry.

"Just a cherry lemonade, Snivellus." You spit, licking your lips. "Honestly, what else would it be?"

The question was asked as a taunt, seeing if he would out you already. The fact you werent very kind to him during your teenage years doesnt help your case at all. Yet, as he goes to reply, Albus speaks once again.

"First," The Headmaster announces, getting back on track as his voice echoes off the stone walls, "I would like to present Professors Remus Lupin and (Y/N) Noctis who have kindly consented to fill the Defense Agasint the Dark Arts teacher post. This year, students will be provided double the information with the two instructors."

People applaud, and yourself and Lupin give out modest waves. Of course, that isn't the real reason Dumbledore had allowed you to teach the same class. He knows about the illnesses that you each suffer from, and how inseperable you had become over the years without the Marauders. Trauma is the best word for what you have been through. If anything, it makes you all the more qualified for the posts.

"As some of you may know, Professor Kettleburn, our Care of Magical Creatures teacher for many years, has decided to retire in order to spend more time with his remaining limbs. Fortunately, I'm delighted to announce that his place will be filled by none other than our own Rubeus Hagrid!"

Bite Me//Lupin X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora