2 - Chocolate Medication

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"Harry!" You turn at the sound of Hermiones voice. You had learned the name of each child, Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, and Hermione Granger, who now gently shakes the young boy. "Harry, are you alright?"

"Yeah...." Harry's young voice says as he sits up from the floorboards. Ron holds out his glasses, which he gratefully accepts. "Thanks."

"Remus." You mutter, looking over to the man who sits next to you. He nods, reaching into his pocket to reveal a candy bar. He opens it, and you lean over him and break a triangular piece off. The crack that it causes brings everyone to attention, and you extend your blouse covered arm to Harry.

"Eat. It'll help." Remus says, being the obedient boy he always was in school. Quite the goody-two-shoes in your opinion. You certainly werent, you were more like Sirius and James. You toss Harry the candy, which he catches.

"What was that....that thing?" Potter asks as you stand, brushing off your pants. You fluff your (h/c) strands back, turning slightly towards the door. Your head is half hidden from them, so they only see the vibrant blaze of your burgundy eye. They shift uncomfortably under its gaze.

"A Dementor. One of the guards of Azkaban." Lupin says as he takes his place at your side. You open the compartment door, striding into the hallway. "Its gone now."

"Do eat the chocolate though." You say, smiling at the trio from the hallway. "First off, its candy, second off, you'll recover."

"(Y/N)." Moony says as he joins you in the narrow hall. "We're going to have a word with the driver." With that, he takes off down the carpeting. You peer back into the train cabin and smile at the kids.

"Split this." You say, reaching into your pocket. You pull out a golden wrapped bar with a triangular chip on it. The one Remus hadnt seen you steal from him. "Dont tell Lupin."

You leave them with a left wink and a grin, but you catch Hermione raising an eyebrow your way as the other two beam happily. She looks to your canine teeth, which are clearly the slightest bit more sharp than anyone else. You immediately sweep your hair over your left shoulder, ensuring she wont see your bite. You leave briskly, trailing down the red hallway to reach Remus. Eventually, you have made it many cars down, and you feel bored.

"Are we there yet?" You moan, dragging your feet. You hear Remus chuckle as he places his hands in his brown pant pockets.

"Obviously not."

"Then move your ass faster!" You exclaim, ushering him forward. As he is in front of you, you must walk at his pace in the slim area. Remus shakes his head, then open one final door. You find yourself in the locomotive, a rectangular area made entirely of steel. The front has a panel of buttons, levers, and a steaming furnace. A bead of sweat has already made it to your naturally cold body and runs down your forehead as you walk to the conductor. He is a plump man with beady eyes and brown hair that sticks out from beneath his cap, plastered to his pale head.

"Why was a Dementor on this train?" Lupin asks, his tone demanding, more of a command then a question. The conductor raises an eyebrow.

"What are you doing up here?" He asks, glancing out the side window to check where you are. He leans back in, and pulls a lever that increases the train's speed. "This is for the conductor only!" You glare at the man with a painfully Scottish accent and place your sweating palms on your hips.

"He asked you a question, buddy." You say, narrowing your eyes more. He registers the glisten in your left eye, and seems to cower under its red watch.

"Just following orders, ma'am. Sweep for that Sirius Black." You flinch at the mention of your old friend. You didn't believe it at first, neither did Remus, but eventually you had to come to terms with the fact that Sirius betrayed the Marauders. Of course, after this he seemed even more of a suspect, but when he was first convicted of his crimes you screamed and cried to the Ministry that they had the wrong man. Eventually, you even went to Dumbledore, who consoled yourself and Lupin. All evidence pointed to him, and everyone claimed he was the one who sold out James and Lily to Lord Voledmort. Now, he has escaped from Azkaban, and everyone fears he is coming for Harry. Even you and Lupin.

"Well sometimes orders go a bit too far, dont you think?" You feel your legs shaking beneath you, the heat of the room extreme. Youve never been good with warmth, no vampire truthfully is, not with how the sun already treats you. "Next time, dont put children at risk."

"Vesp?" You turn at your nickname, seeing Remus staring at your legs as you wobble. He turns to the conductor as you rush out of the room and into the first cabin. "Good day, sir."

You place a hand on your knee, the other against the wall. You lean into the frigid window, the icy material wonderful against your dripping (s/c) cheek. You take deep breathes until you find yourself at a stable temperature.

"(Y/N)?" You look up, seeing Lupin standing above you. You of course know his question, and respond before he asks.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." You smile up at him, then look out the window. Across a lake that is beat upon by teardrops of clouds sits a castle. Its lights glitter on the hillside, the stone towers darkened in the stormy night.

"Welcome home, (Y/N)." Moony says, looking out the window. Your heart is flooded by a mixture of emotions. Grateful to be back, questioning the universe why you must do it alone. Still, Lupin is here. Its time the castle welcomed back its mischevious ex-students, even if only two of you can make it to the reunion.

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