4 - Class

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You are brought back to conciousness by the rapping of skin on wood. You groan, ripping off your blankets and walking to the door. The light of morning hasnt even crept over the hillside yet, and you have to wake up?! Then again, youve done it a few days already. You've taught for about a week, but havent yet instructed the third years. Still, Its bad enough you were awake most of the starry night. You throw open the door: your hair a frizzy mess and your shirt tucked into your sweatpants partially.

"You look marvellous, professor." Lupin says, already dressed and ready. You glare at him, then walk back into your room. He follows and you open your wardrobe.

"I was thinking for our first  lesson with the third years we could teach about Boggarts." He says as you grab a pair of black dress pants, a striped black, white, and maroon blouse, and scarlet heels. You set them on your bed as he is still there, deciding to brush out your messy (h/c) strands before amything else.

"Wonderful, those were always quiet fun to mess with. Maybe tomorrow we can instruct them how to make SparNoc's?" You grin at him in the vanity. Your red and (e/c) eyes meet his as he raises an eyebrow. SparNoc's were lovely little bouncy balls that exploded after the first few bounces, causing complete chaos. Of course, you had invented them when you were bored in your first year.

"I doubt the students would want to learn about your tricks, (Y/N)."

"Only the ones like you." You pin your hair up into a bun, then walk to your bed. You grab your clothes, looking at Lupin expectantly. When he doesnt move, you cough.

"Oh!" He says, realizing you need to undress. "I see, Ill just....yes." He briskly steps out of the room, closing the door. You change, then greet him outside again. Side by side, you walk towards the D.A.D.A. classroom.


You stand with your (s/c) hands held behind your back. The classroom is full of Gryffindor students, each staring at a rattling cabinet at the front of the room. Its where you are holding to Boggart, and is the only object in the rooms center as you have pushed all the desks to the side. The students all have faces of either curiosity, fear, or shock if they had seen your tattered and worn out form on the train; you now look refreshed, as does Lupin, or at least as healthy as the pair of you could appear.

"Intriguing, yes?" Lupin asks from his place at your side. You smile at the group, excited to see what may happen in this little lesson. "Would anyone care to venture a guess as to whats inside?"

As you look out at the group, they all seem to shift anxiously. A hand is produced from the huddle of black robes in the stone room, and you point to a young man with black hair.

"Yes, Mr.Finnigan?"

"Thats a Boggart that is." You nod, looking to the still shaking wardrobe.

"Very good." Remus says, being the more professional of the two of you and speaking up. "Now, can someone tell us what a Boggart looks like?"

"No one knows." You glance to the voice of a young girl. Hermione has opened her mouth, being a rather intelligent child. "Boggarts are shape shifters, taking the form of whatever a person fears most. Thats what makes it so-"

"-So terrifying, yes." You interrupt the girl, apparently still in touch with your old habits. You never were patient, and you often interrupted your professors. Now, you cut off your students. "Luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel Boggarts. Lets practice it, without wands please. Repeat after me, Riddikulus!"

"Riddikulus!" The class says, echoing the word. You nod approvingly, but hear something that annoys you quiet a bit.

"This class is ridiculous." You pivot, having heard a student say the rude words. You spot Draco Malfoy, his arm in a sling from his class a few days ago with Hagrid, which of course the story went rampant throughout the school. Honestly, you find him pitiful and whiny.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2018 ⏰

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