The Fight

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The Avengers

The people I was told to fear and kill on sight if possible. My Hydra training and instincts wanted to kick in and fight, but my mind was screaming not to, and think. I was so confused.

As I watched they seemed to be looking for something and only fighting and firing at those fighting them. Why would they not kill everyone they possibly could? They are supposed to be Evil!

I was pulled from my thoughts when an Agent yelled at me "Don't let them get the scepter, Power Alpha!!" I ran to the scepter immediately, they used my code name which meant this was important.

I ran straight to the lab that the scepter was being kept. The scepter was a beautiful weapon, pure gold except for the blades and the bright blue gem between the blades at the top.

I wasn't told much about it but I did know that I could hold it in my bare hand and no one else could without passing out from a 'power overload' or something like that

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I wasn't told much about it but I did know that I could hold it in my bare hand and no one else could without passing out from a 'power overload' or something like that.

I quickly found it, grabbed it heading out when a flashy red and gold suit flew in.

Darn it, I thought Ironman. It soon landed in front of me and a blue light was in front of me. The Arc Reactor. Fascinating. I took a step back and my grip on the scepter tighter as I prepared for a fight he was most likely going to put up.

His face mask came up showing a slightly shocked Tony Stark. He looked at me and carefully said, "Um, Hi could I possibly have the scepter please?"

What?! Is he serious?! I looked at him in disbelief before snapping at him,

"So you can kill me?! Do I look stupid to you??" My voice was strong and slightly louder than I intended for. I was angry and my face most likely showed it.

"No," Tony said. Wait, what? My face turned into one of confusion. He continued and I listened carefully. "To both my answer is no. I'm not gonna kill you and you don't look stupid to me either."

I stared at him in disbelief again and studied him for any signs of deception, once I saw none I asked him, "Why wouldn't you kill me? He said it is what you do and you along with your buddies would kill me as soon as you had the chance."

Now it was his turn to look confused, "What? Who said that?"

"Hydra," I said instantly in what could have been described as a robotic answer.

His eyes seemed to soften, for some reason and that confused me even more. "Listen we don't kill if we don't have to, we don't hurt people unless we have to. If people attack we fight back but that's because if you fight us it means you mean people harm. All around the world we are known as hero's we save people not kill them for any reason." He said all this so softly and I almost wanted to believe him but it made absolutely no sense.

I considered what he said and was having an eternal fight with myself in my head. 

Hydra said... But Tony just said.... But Strucker I trust him....

"But you... you guys are bad! We help, you kill! You're lying!" I yelled at him. I wasn't really mad at him but this situation. He is lying so why are his words affecting me like this? Why do I doubt Hydra? Why am I even thinking about what he is saying?

His voice pulled me from my thoughts, he looked at me with almost sad eyes as he asked, "Do you remember anything before Hydra?" His question caught me completely off guard.

"Wha.... I mean why? Why does that matter?" I said still pretty confused about his question.

"Do you?" He asked again without missing a beat.

"No, I was in a bad accident. Hydra saved me but my memory was lost in the process." I said matter-of-factly.

He looked down and sighed, "Don't take this the wrong way..." he started, "But I think you've been lied to."

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