The Explanation

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Sophie POV

"Now, storytime, Sophie."

As soon as he said that, I took a moment to study him. He was well poised, pitch- black hair and sea- green eyes. His eyes are what struck me the deepest though. They held remains of a happy teenager, laughing and mischievous. However, they had lost that. They now looked like shattered glass. Dark, shadowed, haunted. He was a soldier, is a soldier.

Those shattered orbs had immediately swept over us when we had entered. Searching us for weapons, trying to figure out our weakness. He was wary, cautious, ready to spring.

I snapped back into reality, glancing at my friends to see whether or not we should trust them, after all, they seem nice enough, right?

"Well," I started, "It all started on a field trip to the museum, where a met a boy looking for me..." I continued on with the story, going up until the moment I found out about them, I said, "So, you, Leo are a pyro, Percy's a hydro, and Nico's a shade." At this Leo started laughing.

"You *gasp* really think *gasp* that we're *gasp* ELVES!" Leo said, while gasping for breath. Nico let out a little chuckle, and Percy started laughing. The other two immediately stopped, as if trying to enjoy the moment.

"What!? Perce! Don't stop, keep laughing!" Leo said, or yelled.

Percy immediately stopped, his eyes glassed over and his body went limp. We started forward, but Leo got there first and caught him. He picked Percy up, and I was astonished at his strength, after all, Percy is way taller than him! And Leo's tiny!

"What happened!" I said, at the same time Biana said,

"Is he okay?"

Both Nico and Leo shared a look of pity with each other.

"Perce has been through some things, we all have, but him more than all of us, and it sometimes causes him to have flashbacks." Nico explained.

"Aren't flashbacks a symptom of PTSD?" I quiered.

"Yes." Leo's happy demeanor was gone, with a somber one there to replace it. "Perce was diagnosed with PTSD a while back, after he was kidnapped for 9 months."

"Kidnapped?! Do you know what happened to him there?" Linh asked.

"A little." Nico whispered with a grimace on his face. "I was there for about a week before I escaped. I don't believe you want to know what happens down there."

"Trust us," Dex started, "We've most likely been through something like him, and he's just not taking it very well."

"I can assure you, from the screams I heard coming from his cell everyday on end, he is not a wimp. I experienced a little, but Perce spoke up and took ours on himself, times 2"

"Ours? I thought it was just you and him." Tam asked.

"Oh no, his girlfriend, A- Ann- Annabeth was there with him for as long as him."

"Well, tell us what happened!" Fitz demanded.

Nico's eyes became glossed, and Leo slowly moved forward with his arms outstretched, as if ready to catch him. Nico shook his head.

"Torture, every type, sometimes the kidnapper would make us watch. Whips, knives, spikes, drowning, fire, shackled to walls, shackled by his feet from the roof. And many more horrendous devices."

"I don't believe you." Fitz said.

"Oh you don't?" Leo spoke for the first time in a while as he moved closer to Percy. "Does this prove his story true enough." Leo slowly took of Percy's shirt over his sleeping form.

We just caught a glimpse of horrendous scars covering Percy as Nico snapped his fingers and revealed more scars on his exposed skin. Then Percy started to shake as if having a seizure.

"Styx!" Nico and Leo said at the same time as they started backing us up into the walls.

"Don't touch him!" Nico warned.

"And what if I do?" Fitz countered.

"Then you will regret it." Leo said back.

Before Fitz could do anything, in a flash, Percy was up, with multiple cuts all over him, his flesh peeling and burned, gushing blood, and I wondered how he was still standing. He brought out a golden bronze sword and got into a fighting stance. His eyes slowly scanned over us as he relaxed ever so slightly.

Nico sighed, "I'll go get Will," as he promptly walked into a shadow and disappeared.

Seconds later, a blond kid, who I can only assume is Will, shows up with Nico. Will is yelling at Nico until he sees Percy slowly swaying, he sighs,

"Help me move him to the kitchen table." Only moments later, Percy falls and the three boys catch him and bring him to the table. Will gets out a med kit and starts bandaging him.

"Okay! Explanations are in order." Leo stats as Nico starts,

"Well, for Perce, it all started on a field trip to the museum, just like yours..."

A/N Weeeeeell..... First things first, *quickly built fortified structure out of chairs* Please don't kill me! I'm innocent, I swear, I just... forgot... to... update...? But at least it's up,... now... way later.... But that doesn't matter. Heh, heh, heh, heh. Also, I know it's a little late, but, I do not own KOTLC, or Percy Jackson, I only own the plot line, and this applies to the entire story. Yeeeeaaaaah.... Bye!

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