Chapter 7: Can someone please help me with titles!

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A/N Hiiiiiiiiiii........... I know I haven't updated in a while.... please don't kill me! I'm really really sorry! I'm writing this at a baseball game so..... yeah.

Percy POV

After we finished letting Thalia know what was happening, we walked balk into the room.

"Okay," I started, "How're we going to get to these, 'Lost Cities.'"

"We're going to do something called light leaping," Sophie explained.

"Yeah, no," Nico and I say in unison.

"Well that's the only way you're going to get there." Fitz said, his nose turned up.

"No, Nico can shadow travel, and I can vapor travel, and I'll take Leo with me. Just show us a photo of where we're going and we'll be able to get there."

"Not for you." Fitz said snobbily.

I look at Nico, silently telling him to turn on death boy.

"Percy and I are royalty." Nico states in a deadly whisper, "You will not tell us what to do as we are superior. We are the Crown Princes of the Underworld and Seas respectively. We will tell you what to do." Nico says as his crown, and armor appear.

I feel a weight on my head, realizing my crown has appeared as well. Looking down, I notice that my armor has also appeared.

"Would you like to know our titles?" I ask, not allowing them time to answer. " I am Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon, the Lord of the Sea, Earthshaker, Stormbringer, and the Father of Horses. Former Praetor of the Twelfth Legion of Rome. General of the Greek Demigods. Veteran of the Second Titan War, The Second Olympian War, The Second Demigod Civil War, and the Second Gigantomachy. The Lightning Bringer. Prophecy Child. Bearer of the Twelfth Legion's Standard. Destroyer of Giants. Slayer of Titans. Bane of Kronos. Bane of Gaea. Defeater of Ares. Savior and Champion of Olympus.

Nico continued, "I am Nico Di Angelo, Son of Hades, god of the Underworld and Wealth. Veteran of the Second Titan War, The Second Olympian War, The Second Demigod Civil War, and the Second Gigantomachy. The Ghost King. Prince of the Underworld and Savior of Olympus."

"Leo Valdez, Son of Hephaestus, Hero and Savior of Olympus, and Bane of Ma Gasket and many other monsters."

They looked shocked, and Sophie was the first one knocked out of their stupor to speak.

"What? Explanations, now."

"Well, we told you our story." I say, looking away as I start to see flashbacks of my time in Tartarus. Nico wandered in Tartarus, alone, yes, but only wandering. Tartarus had captured Annabeth and I, and tortured me, I took all of her 'punishments.' He likes to pull me into my head to torture me, and the wounds I receive from him will appear on my body as they occur.

"Okay," Sophie starts, I can project my memories of where we're going onto paper to show you so you can teleport there."

"First, tell your leaders that you're bringing royalty, and that any action against us could mean the start of a war." I said, a dangerous glint in my eye.

"You can't tell us what to do." The-Almighty-King-Fitz-(NOT) said snootily.

"What did we just tell you, moron." I say slowly. "Did you know, that right now, I could kill you."

"Fitz!" Sophie whisper-yelled. "Stop!"

"Taunting us would not be a wise decision, Mr. Vacker. What did you not understand when we told you that our fathers are gods."

"Your a liar. Prove it." Fitz says confidently.

I make my sword appear, along with Nico's, and I clear the Mist from their eyes.

Leo holds up a ball of fire, Nico makes the shadows come to him and skeleton warriors to appear, and I call water into my hand and make a small earthquake. "We can be very deadly, Mr. Vacker, I can control any liquid, including blood."

"And I, Vacker, can send you to the Fields of the Damned Souls with a snap of my fingers." Nico says dangerously.

Leo speaks up, "I can burn you to a crisp with a single thought, so I suggest you respect us."

"Fine." Fitz says reluctantly.

"Now, to the photo-showing."

"Kay, where is the paper." Sophie inquires.

While I go to get the paper, Nico and Leo sit the kids down on the sofa and coffee table.

I come back with the paper and don't pay attention to how Sophie does her mind tricks. When I turn back, she hands me the sheet, whispering,

"Sorry for my friends' behavior, he is extremely prideful and doesn't know when to stop."

"It's okay, we needed to show you guys anyways."

"Alright, then."

I turn to the boys that have become my brothers.

"We have the photo, lets go."

Sophie turn to her friends, "We're going to Everglen."

Echoes of okay and sure spread through the room.

"Goodbye~" I say creepily before vanishing with Leo into mist.

A/N Yaaaay!!! I updated! I'm so sorry, I'll try to get on an updating schedule, I've just been really busy. So hopefully I'll have an update up this time next week. Ali out!

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