Ch2- Fight To Reunite

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Logan's POV:

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a silver plated sighn saying the words I will never forget 'The Prince of Shadows' The name Alec was given when he was being controlled and possessed by HYDRA!

I was about to rush in when some HYDRA agents appeared out of thin air. My claws slashed through my skin. Slaying them as quick as I could, whilst they screamed in agony.

I barged through the door to where Alec was being held, as I did, I saw him and stood there in shock as his head fell back down. "he must have been conscious" I ran over to the cold metal bed his frail body was lying on.

I quickly ripped all the wires and restraints away, used my top to cover his body and ran as fast as I could.

It had been 8 hours since I found Alec, and he was still unconscious. Slowly lifting Alec out of my car and carefully walking to the door of Charles' mansion. 'Knock Knock'

Charles' POV:

'Knock Knock'

I heard someone at the door, but for the first that day I didn't get my hopes up. I had been repeatedly disappointed everytime I opened the door. Dont get me wrong I loved that new students arrived, but I just wanted Alec. (And i had, had enough of just sitting on the stairs for days)

That's all that mattered now!

As I slowly turned the handle and opened the door, the sight I saw made me so happy yet so broken hearted at the same time. The combination of feelings made tears prick at me eyes. But I just pushed them away...

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