Ch3- Broken Blue Blood

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Charles' POV:

Pushing away the tears I took Alec from Logan and held him close to me. Remembering the condition he was in I rushed down to Gean as fast as i could. "Gean get all the equipment ready quick" I warned through my head.

Suddenly I felt a pair of dull red orbs staring at me, then two weak, frail hands gripping to my top. I couldn't look down but the sensation made my heart beat out of control and the fear inside of me clawing away at my throat.

Arriving at the lab where Gean works, I laid Alec down carefully on the table.

But he had fallen unconscious again. Leaving his limp body vulnerable for the world to see.

Stepping back I saw the full extent of what HYDRA had done to him. There was blue skin missing on his legs, arms and chest, blue blood everywhere. Cut's, gashes and bruises littering his fragile, malnourished body.

Logan's POV:

Watching Charles come out of the lab room Alec was being treated in and walk straight to his study wasn't like him.

Hoping we hadn't woken any of the students up, I went to talk with Charles. Looking into his study all I could see was paper scattered everywhere, empty bottles of whiskey and a broken looking Charles Xavier curled up in the corner, head between his knees.


Its been two days since Charles first saw Alec again, and he still hasn't woken up.

No lessons have been going on as everyone is so worried. Especially Charles. All he has done it drink and drink, but never once leaving Alec's side.

The only reason Charles went to see Alec once he was out of the lab/medical room, is because of the conversation we had in his study when I found everything a mess. Charles was too scared to see Alec.

Charles blames himself for Alec's kidnapping, he blames himself for every bad thing that has happened to Alec when none of it was his fault!

He never wanted Alec to go through times so rough, and he says that he should of found Alec sooner, before any of the pain and torture started!

Flashback to convocation between Logan and Charles:

"Charles. Are you alright?" I asked slowly tip toeing over all of the parchment and bottles on the floor. "what does it look like" he exclaimed. "sorry. Do you want to talk about it?"

Charles nodded it reply. Carefully crouching down beside him, silence fell over us until I spoke.

" so tell me how you feel" I questioned. " I dont know, I'm just scared I guess. You just got him back for me and I don't want to loose him again. Not permanently." Charles stated.

I had never seen Charles like this. He was always so optimistic, but now it was like he was a different person. Broken, sad and drunk. He seemed so vulnerable. I didn't like this so I said I would check on Alec for him.

End of Flashback:

Hoping Alec would wake up soon for Charles' sake, I went to the kitchen to get Charles some food as he hasn't eaten in day's. Only drinking whiskey.

Oh Alec please wake up!!

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