Adventures in Babysitting

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Sam and Dean Winchester sit in an old cabin that once belonged to Rufus Turner. Dean pins an article titled "Biggersons' Recalls Contaminated Meat: Customers Report Illness After Eating Turducken Slammers" to a board holding their research. Also on the board are several articles about Dick Roman.

Sam puts two duffel bags on a table and takes a beer out of the refrigerator.

"Dean, you know, um... I wonder if – if we... I mean, should we be telling people? I mean, people he knew."

Dean ignored him and continued to look at the research.

"How long ago did I give Frank these numbers? It's been a few weeks, right? What, is he nuts, or is he just being rude?"

Sam sighed.

"Probably both. Dean, I-I got to ask you a question."

Dean ignored him, again.

"Unless, of course, something happened to him. He can't get to the phone because a Leviathan ate his face."

"Yeah, also a possibility." Sam said, starting to get irritated.

Dean pursed his lips.

"We should go check on him."

Sam finally snapped.

"Dean, do you want to call Bobby's people or not?"

Dean turned to Sam.

"W-why is – why is that our job? The only one who really cares is Thalia and her family, and she almost killed me when I told her."

Sam set his beer on the table.

"Because who else is gonna do it?"

"I'm not calling anybody. If you want to, you go right ahead."

"I don't want to call anybody. You kidding me?"

The cabin door opened.

"If you two are just gonna argue the whole time, then Ill do it myself." Thalia Dixon said as she shut the door behind her.

She set a case of beer on the table and gave Dean his pie as a phone in one of the duffle bags rings.Thalia shakes her head.

"Its not mine."

She looks at Dean.

"Well, I'm not getting it." He said.

Sam shakes his head takes out the phone.


Thalia take the beer and moves to the fridge, drowning out Sams conversation.Dean picks up a flask that was in the duffel bag, sniffs it and puts the lid back on. They both look up as Sam ends the phone call.

"Who was it?" Dean asked

"Just some kid." Sam said.

"For Bobby? Girl scout cookies?" Thalia asked

"I think, maybe..."

Dean picks up a full bottle of beer from the table as Thalia finished putting the beer in the fridge.

"Maybe a-a hunter's kid? I mean, she sounded pretty scared. You know, I have a caller ID. Maybe we should go find her. We – we can check on her." Sam stated.

"What about Frank?" Thalia asked, Dean nodding in agreement.

"Well, I think we should go find this girl first."

"Sam, Frank's been working on the numbers that Bobby spent his last breath on, and you want to back-burner that"? Dean asked.

Thalia almosts laughs when Sam gives Dean his kicked puppy look. Dean sighed.

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