Dreams are a wish your heart makes

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It was a cold winter night and Kevin was just coming out from stealing the dream of a little girl. He held the blue orb of light in his hands admiring it in all its glory.

How could he steal a dream so beautiful away from a child and feel no remorse?

He put the blue orb into a pouch made out of velvet and quickly vanished before anyone could see him. Back at the dream store he took the dream out of his bag. Opened the pouch and placed it with the other stolen dreams. To dreamsavers he was a demon but to him dreamsavers were the demons and he's just doing his job.

"Hey are you coming to the cafe to study with us tonight it's free coffee for students" the short blonde girl asked as she tied her hair into a high ponytail and checked that her laces were tight and secure.

"What time" Jacob bounced the basketball he was holding from his hands to the floor and back.

"Around 7pm. I have to pick my friend's little sister up from class and then do laundry" the girl stood up off the bench and brushed off her black leggings, taking the basketball and bouncing it perfectly with one hand.

"Ahh shoot I cant make it"

Kevin looked across the hall at the pair bouncing a ball to and from each other. A girl with bright blonde hair and a boy with colourful hair. They seemed to be talking and playing around with each other. He took his phone out his pocket and checked the time on it and shoved it back in. He watched the pair just having fun wanting to be part of that fun but no one ever let him be part of their fun, he was just on the outside watching and waiting for someone to come and at least talk to him.

When he finally did get up and start walking around it was twenty minutes before the class was about to end and he only got up because the teacher threatened to kick him out the class if he didn't so he got off his ass and walked to the other side of the hall. As he did he accidentally walked into the boy with colourful hair and fell over.

The boy looked confused for a few seconds and before he even had a chance to help him up Kevin had got up and walked off towards a stack of blue mats. He sat on the middle of the top mat and crossed his legs. All he could think about was how the boy had strands of blue, pink and purple hair stuck to his forehead and how his white shirt clung to his body.

"Wow did I just die and go to heaven" without thinking Kevin blurted the words out and was heard by a group of boys standing near the mats

The group of boys laughed and one threw a basketball at Kevin and said something which he didn't hear all too fell but it was probably for the best that he didn't. The teacher ran a bell to signal that everyone should go get changed and everyone rushed out the hall and into the locker rooms.

For Kevin this was just a chance to sit and play games on his phone and not talk to anyone because of no one was gonna talk to him then why should he talk to them

The boy who steals dreams//k.m + j.b Where stories live. Discover now