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Jacob: do you want to come decorate a Christmas tree with me?
K: of course!

So much for staying away, Kevin didn't know why but anything Christmas just drew him in. It wouldn't take him long to get to jacob's house and he could probably take his bike there because there was no way he was walking, or so he thought because as he looked out his bedroom window all he saw was a thick blanket of perfect white snow covering everything.

Oh for fuck sake. He pulled a jumper over his shirt and then pulled on his thick coat which he didn't think he'd need until late December. He then grabbed his keys shoving them into his pocket and leaving the house. The walk to jacob's was quite peaceful because the snow just created a peaceful atmosphere even though there were a bunch of kids having snowball fights and building snowmen outside their houses. Kevin got to Jacob's house and opened the gate before walking up the garden path and knocking on the door.

"I'll get it" kevin heard from inside the house, it was followed by footsteps and the door opening. "Kevin!" Jacob three his arms around kevin and led him inside the house "I'm so glad you're here, we haven't started but we're going to make hot chocolate and mince pies before decorating the tree" Kevin hung his jacket up on the coat rack and took his shoes off leaving them under his coat. A boy with brown and blue hair ran from the living room to the kitchen and Jacob followed with Kevin close behind him.

"Sunwoo get three mugs out the cupboard for me please~" the boy opened a cupboard above the sink and got three big white mugs out of it. Jacob motioned for Kevin to come over to the counter at the other side of the kitchen and when he walked over handed him the wooden mixing spoon and watched as he mixed the pastry mixture together and looked over at jacob when it got to something that resembled dough. Jacob took the bowl and spoon back and Kevin went to wash his hands before going and sitting in the living room.

It was a bright, light room. The walls were painted an off white colour and the light grey curtains were wide open to let in the bright winter sunlight. After a few minutes the brown haired boy came in with a tray, setting it down on the table and sitting on the floor. "Hi" his voice was soft yet strong and he smiled sweetly as he played with a thread on his sweatshirt "I'm sunwoo"

"I'm Kevin, it's nice to meet you" Kevin got off the sofa and sat on the floor next to sunwoo, taking a mug of hot chocolate and wrapping his still freezing hands around it. The mug was still boiling hot so he figured the drink would be too hot to drink yet. He turned around to see Jacob walking in with a box full of tinsel and baubles. He tapped sunwoo's leg to let him know that it was time to decorate the Christmas tree and stood up a bit too quickly giving himself a slight headrush as he did.

Jacob wrapped a bunch of red tinsel around Kevin and stood back laughing at his actions "it suits you."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2018 ⏰

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