When you wish upon a star

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"What's your name?" Jacob asked the red haired boy as he sat down on the pavement stretching his legs out. It was currently midnight and even though he should be out on dreamsaver duties he was in the car park of a 24hr supermarket with a dreamstealer who he'd only just met the day before and knew almost nothing about.

"My name's Kevin" the boy was laying on the pavement drinking from something from a clearish brown bottle. Jacob didn't want to know what was in the bottle because he knew dreamstealers all had a bad habit it was in them.

Kevin sat up and looked across the car park, Jacob watched as all the colour seemed to drain from his face and he moved backwards out of the streetlights. He looked over and saw a group of boys standing around, one swinging a baseball bat in a circle then stamping it hard into the group. The boy looked over at jacob and started to walk over, Jacob turned around to see that Kevin has disappeared somewhere and then back to see the boys were almost in front of him.

"Alright?" Baseball bat boy spoke up as he tucked his baseball bat under his arm and smoothed out his hoodie "saw you hanging with Kevin earlier, you wanna be wary of him, he may look innocent but you don't know his strength" the boy signalled for his group to follow him and walked off leaving Jacob sat confused wondering what he meant. As soon as the boys were gone kevin came out from behind the tree he was hiding from the group behind and took a seat next to jacob.

"Did he say much to you" Kevin pulled his jacket over his shoulders and brushed his hair out of his face only for it to fall back in front of his eyes.

"Just to be wary of you I don't know why he said that" Jacob shook his head in confusion and smiled at Kevin

"I think you should too"

The boy who steals dreams//k.m + j.b Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora