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I wake up abruptly to the sound of my alarm going off, telling me it's time to get up for my first day of senior year high school. Slowly I climb out of bed, dreading the day that awaits, then get showered and dressed semi nicely cuz its the first day, you always dress nice on first days to get a good start. Sure enough right on cue I hear my mother yelling, "ALEXIS GET YOUR LAZY ARSE OUT OF BED! " as I wince slightly from how annoying she is I yell back "I'm coming mother, I'm almost ready" Then adding under my breath, "damn you dumb bitch. " I quickly grab my pack and run downstairs, grabbing a granola bar as breakfast, kiss mother bye and rush to school. Right as I arrive I'm immediately greeted by many glares from all the popular kids and jocks that hate me for the shit I've said about them. Yes I admit I like to talk trash about them often. I immediately rush over to my buddy ray when I finally notice him standing by the flagpole, greeting him and sit down on the ground waiting for school to start. I should probably just tell you this now so you understand it better, ray is a transboy that was originally named Rachel but he prefers ray and he's totally chill. I support him a lot on the trans thing cuz let's just be honest here people, I'm transboy as well. I've wanted to be a boy all my life, I hate being in a girl body, it's like painless torture that still manages to hurt you really bad but nobody notices cuz they couldn't care less what happens to you. And I prefer the name Alex since I was originally named Alexis but that's a girl name and y'all know how that works. All of a sudden I hear the bell ring, and cue the beginning of my living hell, right here in Jackson high school. (Joy to the bloody world)

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