counselors office

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I walk into the counselors office and I'm immediately greeted by the powerful odor of candles and essential oils that the school likes to use. Noticing the counselor has someone in her room I sit just outside the room in the chair beside her door and wait till they are done. To pass Time I start picking at the scabs on my face and scalp. I have no clue how my scalp has scabs but that doesn't matter. Finally the counselors door opens and I see a young freshman girl walk out with tears in her eyes, babbling about some lost love hurting her and whatnot. I wait for her to leave the room before I enter, and take a seat beside the counselor. She quickly finishes up typing whatever email shit she has and looks at me brightly asking, "hi Alexis! How are you doing today!? " Ugh I hate how perky she is, it's so stupid. I shyly look down at my shoes and reply, "meh, hasn't really been the greatest, shits getting kinda rough at home. " Slowly picking at the scabs again. "Oh my gosh! Where did those bruises come from???? Is everything ok? " She looks concerned but everyone knows she's such a faker. Picking harder I bluntly just say, "my parents happened. " She scrunches her face up and says "your parents did this? They made these bruises? " My leg slowly starts to shake from anxiety. "Yep" Hiding the oh so obvious shiner that EVERYONE saw. I'm starting to question why I bothered coming here, she won't even do anything about it. She just sits there gaping at me like a fucking fish looking all confused. Finally she speaks up, "gosh, may I ask how this happened? " I take a deep breath remembering last night. "I came out, as trans.... And they just...... Freaked. " My entire body was trembling at the fear of what had occurred that night. She hmms and haws a little as she checks on her damn email, and makes some notes about the things I just said. "Ok, well I'm terribly sorry and if you need any help we are here for you, looks like lunch is almost over so you better eat quick we don't need you passing out on us." Not even hesitating a second i stand up and charge out the door calling back "see ya" And rushing as far away as possible. Fuck that was awkward ughhhh.......

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2019 ⏰

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