nobody's perfect

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As I rush to my locker dropping off the things I don't need just yet, I think back to how Ray had been strangely happy this morning. Quickly I realize that oh right, he just the other day came out as trans to his parents and they were so supportive of him and UGH I envy him. I wish my parents we're caring like that, if I came out they would literally kill me. The bell rings abruptly snapping me back to reality, and I rush to 1st block. I enter the class, take a seat, and brace for the rough day ahead as the teacher walks in the room. "G'mornin class" She says as she sits at her front desk, and some students grunt and reply "mornin." The teacher starts droning on about her class rules and shit, so of course I space out thinking again about coming out to my parents. *time jump*finally the end of the school day comes and I hit my locker to grab the stuff I need and quickly head home, determined to complete a goal I had on mind. I get home after walking for a new record of 10 minutes, walk in the door and call out, "hey maaaa, I need to talk to you. " I nervously sit on the couch and wait till she finally walks in to talk with me. "What do you want Alexis? I'm kinda busy right now, " She says dramatically cuz she's a bitch that way. I start getting all fidgety and even more nervous, so fuck it I'mma just, "mom, im a boy. " I blurt it out so suddenly I barely even know what actually happened. My mother just sits there blankly staring at me, why is she just staring. Fuck, mom just say something already, please. Finally she responds, she frowns questionably and bluntly states "no." Nothing else just, "no." Then she gets up and swiftly walks away from me as quickly as possible with this look of disgust that leaves me sitting there, completely paralyzed in fear at what she's thinking. Shit shit shit, she hates me, she's gonna tell dad and he'll hate me too. Fuckkkk, life just got a helluva lot worse, what is WRONG WITH ME! ugh I'm so stupid, I shouldn't have said anything. Now sobbing and shaking, I rush to my room and hide under my blankies awaiting the consequences bound to occur... 2 hours later... I'm snapped out of my trance by father slamming into my room yelling and screaming at me saying, "what the fuck is wrong with you? Your NOT a boy dammit, you have a fucking pussy that makes you a damn GIRL got it? God I can't even look at you, your damn friends got you thinking all this shit is ok to do huh? You think you can just *magically*become something your not? That is fucking bull SHIT, YOUR FUCKING GROUNDED! " and he leaves my room slamming it shut. I immediately break down crying again and scream into my pillow at my own fucking dumbass self, GAWD I'm such an idiot!!! That night I fall asleep bawling my eyes out, feeling like a damn fool for what I started....

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