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I wake up the next morning soaked in my tears from last night, along with the memory of what had occurred. Reluctantly climbing out of bed, putting clean clothes on, fixing our my hair and washing off the tears I head to my door to go downstairs for my 2nd day of school. I grab the handle immediately having it slammed open crashing into my face as my mother storms in, creating an explosion of harsh and blinding pain. "Hurry up lazy ass you're going to be late UGH, " she yells angrily grabbing my bag in one hand and roughly drags me by the hair downstairs and to the front door where she shoves me out to go to school. I growl, filled with rage at how much of a dumb bitch she is, wincing at how much my head hurts now because of her, and quickly rush to school. I'm walking to school when my buddy ray appears beside me and asks cautiously, "dude why is there blood on ur nose? Did you get in a damn fight? Jeez. " I quickly cover my nose trying to rub the apparent blood off of it, yet again cringing at the pain. "Nah bro, just had some issues, ya know? " Halfway attempting a smile to prove I'm ok. "Dude, talk to me man, what happened? " Looking at him and seeing he truly is concerned about what's wrong, I eventually break saying, "my parents.... I came out finally and..... " Ray looks at me with a grim look, "... And it ended horribly, they hate me they fucking hate me, I'm so scared to go back. " Finally we arrive at school. Ray looks at me Apoligetically and says, "look bro I'm so sorry that happened later on today we can talk to the counselor about it, I'm sorry again but I need to get to class, I love you bro, " And he quickly rushed to class. I head to the restroom to quick patch up make sure everything is in check when I notice in the mirror I have a dark blackish blue shiner that is really sticking out. Great just greeaaatttt. That'll be fun to explain to the teachers. The bell rings, so I grab my bag and rush to class to deal with another hellish day. I walk into class and immediately hear gasps and whispers about my obvious shiner, people wondering where and how I got it. So I simply glared at them, said "fuck off" And got my stuff out for class. The teacher walks in, notices the shiner, nodding dismissively and gets started with the class work for the day. We get through class pretty ok and eventually the bell rings for 2nd block so I pack up and head to my 2nd block class. As I walk to class in the Hall, students point and blatantly laugh at the shiner mocking how I coulda gotten it. I get to class finally, pull out my stuff again and continue it just like last block. That class rolls by just the same as 1st block and ends pretty quick. I have 1st lunch so after the bell rings again, I head to my locker ditch my shit and head straight to the counselors office....

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