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Yuri laid on top of the bed from the hotel room that he had checked out to stay the night in. The woman at the front desk seemed to recognize him at the first glance. The man that was taken under the wing of Victor Nikiforov, the man engaged to the infamous Victor Nikiforov

Yuri did not reply to any of the questions that she nagged at him with a hint of curiousity. Questions such as: Where is Victor? Did you two argue?

Yuri just made his way to his room without hesitance and only giving a gentle word of thanks to the front desk lady. 

Yuri extended his hand out to the cellphone that was resting on the white sheets a few inches away. "He couldn't have could he?..." Yuri held himself back from trembling with the exhaustion of all the emotions that flood through his body. It had been a few days from when he checked into the hotel room. Victor was doing his best to be as reasonable as possibly and trying to drag Yuri back home. 

How could I return home, after what I saw you doing?

Yuri questioned. The man had threw his engagement ring to the side, it had rolled beneath one of the drawers of the hotel and Yuri could care less. The only explanations that Victor could give him were: It was Yurio, he staged this! Yuri, baby I love you, not him, it wasn't me. Please come home.

Yuri merely scoffed at this. A lie is what he heard from all the words that Victor said. Part of him wanted to believe Victor after everything they have been through. But he could never be so sure, Victor was surely the one to initiate the kiss. It was obvious, body placement and all. Even if Victor said it was Yurio, there must have been more of an explanation to all of this. Rather than this random kiss from Yurio.

Yuri groaned. The early weak rays of morning streamed gently onto the foot of his bed. Let's get something to eat.. As much as Yuri wanted to deny himself food. He knew it wouldn't help what had just happened. Yuri stood up, and pushed on his shoes as he stood up, putting his jacket on and shoving his hotels card key and cell phone into his jacket pocket before exiting his room and practically running into a different man because Yuri was looking downward. 

"Woah, woah, be careful," the other man took a step backward as he let out a gentle chuckle of embrassment. Yuri glanced up. "Sorry." A gasp soon following his words as he recognized the features upon this mans face, his cheeks instantly flushing with embarrassment. The man was Otabek Altin. 

"Hey aren't you--" Otabek began his sentence. Yuri quickly turned away not allowing the man to finish the thought out sentence. The raven haired man pulled his hood above his head, as he quickly made his way down the hallway. The skater was not in the mood to answer any questions, especially any of them that would require talking about his beloved, Victor.

"Hey! Hey!" Yuri could hear Otabek's voice trailing after him as Yuri. Yuri's breathing quickly grew labored as he could feel himself panicking with each moment that he was in Otabek's vision. Otabak's voice was continuously heard while Yuri pulled further and further away. Yuri felt tears threaten to fill his eyes, the memories of himself and Victor preparing to skate against him. The simple idea of Victor telling those false lies made Yuri's heart flipped and utterly almost stop with dismay about the possible idea that Victor was the one to initiate the kiss.

But the thought of him not, also crossed his mind. Yuri did not want to know, he just needed time to think about this for himself rather than have the drama that might come if he confronted Yurio straightaway.

Yuri cleared his thoughts as he finally stopped in front of the elevator and clicked the down button. The man raised his head to look straight-ahead when the elevator chimed, his hand pulling out something from his pocket to pull out a mouth mask and place it over his nose and mask. There was no real design on the mouth mask, just simple plain and black, matching his current attire. Black was the clothing he was wearing. The man let himself fade into thought about the situation. Until someone placed a hand on his shoulder, making him snap back into reality. "Hey..." They sheepishly muttered with a heavy male tone to it as well.

Yuri glanced backward, then quickly turned away when he knew who this man was. Otabek. "Hey, I know that you saw me, don't hide your face, Yuri." Otabek commented authorization lacing his words coldly. The panic that gripped his body at the cold smoothness of the tone of Otabek's voice. It made his breathing tremble in his chest as he struggled to find the words that were to come off of his lips.

"Otabek... I don't wish to talk..." Yuri spoke slowly, the words lingering on his lips a little while longer than expected, threatening to make him throw up from the sickness that followed those words. The feeling of them painted on his lips created more distraught.

Otabek seemed to shift slightly, maybe not from unease, but from curiosity.

"Why not?" Otabek spoke slowly, but steadily. More words seemed to want to slip out from his lips. However, the man bit them back, recoiling from the fear of not being aware of how Yuri would react if he let those words slip past his bite.

Yuri sighed, his shoulders sagging downward as he spun around and proceeded to attempt to get away from Otabek, back down the hallway and to the stairs. But sadly, Yuri was not as hasty and lean as he was before. His body was already weaker from the days he deprived himself of sleep and food. The man grasped Yuri's shoulder, anticipating Yuri's next move and slamming him against the wall of the hallway. Otabek stared dead straight at Yuri, his hands pushing heavily onto Yuri's shoulders keeping him pinned against the wall. But the raven haired man refused to look up at the other. "Answer me," Otabek hissed, thrusting his face closer to Yuri's, "Look at me."

Yuri's breathing quickened, dizziness kicking in as he found the world around him fading slowly into nothingness, darkness engulfed his vision. A mixture of exhaustion, hunger and panic lead to this point.

And the last thing he felt was Otabek lifting him up from the ground and carrying him somewhere.

Tap, tap, tap, tap.

Yuri blinked open his eyes, wherever he was, the rooms lights were dull. The curtains pulled shut and a lamp turned on somewhere to the other side. Yuri sat up, his head hurting, pulses of pain shot through the nerves within his head. 

"Finally, you are awake." The all too familiar voice of Otabek spoke. Yuri quickly flinched his gaze towards the direction that Otabek spoke from, the man was sitting on a chair, within his hand his phone. The screen shined up lightly onto his chin as he looked up at Yuri. "You were out for several hours." Otabek commented, filling Yuri in within Yuri needing to even ask about it.

Yuri groaned lightly, "Where am I, Otabek..?" 

"In my hotel room." Otabek commented flatly as he looked back down at his phone proceeding back into action with his texting. 

"Why yours? I don't need to be here?" Yuri asked quickly. Anger hinting in the ways that he spat out the final words of his questions. The raven haired man did not want to be in some room with some other man and get into physical contact with another man. It was not necessary. Even with the separation between the two partners, Victor and Yuri have still not have cut off the relationship. Merely this was Yuri's way of generating what was currently happening.

Otabek let out a half hearted snort of irritation. "Be reasonable now, you are denying yourself a lot of things, Yuri. Obviously, something is wrong and I do not want to be questioned by Victor any longer." Yuri blinked at Otabek as the man spoke. 

'I do not want to be questioned by Victor any longer.'

What does that mean?

"You are in contact with Victor?" Yuri asked, tearing his gaze away from the distracted yet concentrated man. His iris's fluttering around the room as he was attempting to calm himself slowly. Victor knows, Victor knows. Yuri felt the panic seep through him. No, I am not ready.

"Yes. I am, and he is coming here right now." Otabek did not strip his gaze away from his phone, but merely glanced upward for a second then straight back down. Yuri on the other hand felt like his lungs were being crushed. As the sense of panic fluttered through his chest.

"Victor can't come here! He did that! He hurt me! He did all of this! He can't come!" Yuri screamed, sheer panic flooding through him as he stared at Otabek coldly, pain and frustration grasping his body.

Love Does Find The Way (Victor x Yuri)Where stories live. Discover now