Chapter 24:

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If it came down to it...

We've spoken of him giving me his own eyes..

Since he would die anyways, He agreed to it when the time came.

She stood there, shocked.

"...What... was that about...?"

I shook my head and ate the food.

".....Is... It good...?"

"....It'll do."

I threw the plate at her, her catching it.

"...Um... Okay..."

I ignored her and pretending to be busy, working on my papers again.

She said afew things and stomped out.

"...Oh..... That woman.... How difficult she was.. How badly.. I..."

I shook my head and grumbled, going back to my cold thoughts again.


"Douchebag stupid! Didn't even thank me!"

I muttered and went back into the kitchen, furious.

I put the dish in the sink, walking past a few men in the kitchen.

Like it was normal.

I paused and turned to them slowly, concered about the number.

They were all of Uchiha's, Sharingan eyes piercing at me.

"....." I stared at them emotionlessly.


One of them spoke up, he was young, however his voice sounded deep.

"You're the new girl... That slave under Madara...?"

".....His, 'Property', yes..."

"...Your the one, who has powers..."

They all started to get closer to me.

I watched them all, looking at them from the corner of my eye.


"Enough talk. We're here to kill you."

They took out a few weapons, and a scroll.

I winced and closed my eyes, concentrating.

"...Who... send you to kill me...?" Half of them snickered.

"...We'll never tell you., Stupid bitch.." One spat.

Well, that was enough of the insults for one day.

Imaginary (Akatsuki)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz