Chapter 1

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Hi my name is Hugo I am 2 years old and I have lived in the Inpki family all of my life. I like to sleep, play with toys and run around the garden. But today is a different day because Buster, who  is our next door neighbor, chased me down the road. I don't like Buster because he is a big black Staffy, he chased me out of town and into the city were the roads are busy and it is easy to get run over. By now I wish I would of just jumped over my fence and into my cat flap but now I had finally lost him. This is bad, I thought how am I meant to get back home? At that moment, in the corner of my eye I saw it. Big black vans with  cages with other cats in. They had spotted me, I thought to myself should I run or stay perfectly still? I had to make a decision, and quick because who would want to go to the pound? Where they put you in a cage and hardly feed you much? I chose to run, I jumped over a fence and making the leap of a lifetime, I jumped over a bike.I think I had lost them, without looking behind me,I squeezed myself into a drainpipe.

Hugo Where stories live. Discover now