Chapter 2

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As I squeeze myself through the drainpipe I thought to my self, were is this drainpipe going to lead me and what am going to do when I get there? The drainpipe was getting tighter, but it soon led into a small room with a few ways to go. Which way should I go? In the end I chose my instinct and I went straight ahead. I smelt a strange smell coming from the drainpipe, rats. I hate rats because they bite and scratch and are really hard to catch. But these were a different type of rat because these were dead rats. I was getting hungry so I thought I have to eat something. Crunch, crunch crunch. It's better that nothing. I came up to a weird hole in the pipe I went through it and I found myself in a room. The room was empty except from a small chair in the corner and a coffee table waiting to be fixed. I pushed the chair slightly along and I found a small hole in the wall just big enough for me to fit through. I ended up outside again. Not a moment to lose, I started to walk in the direction I thought was the way home. Soon after, I heard I strange noise coming from the left of me it sounded like sausages sizzling in a pan ready to be eaten. I started to sniff around until I smelt the sausages. I couldn't resist. Sausages one by one being put onto a pan, just in eyesight now. I needed to be sneaky because if I were to be seen I would get caught and go to the pound for definite.  The person serving the sausages looked mean so I ran behind him and grabbed the row of sausages. All connected together, they trailed behind me as I walked so i spotted an alleyway which I could hide in and eat them.

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