Chapter 3

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Oh no, I can hear the sound of slobber dripping onto the cold pavement. A dog, sitting in the corner waiting to charge at me looking straight at my sausages. As I start to run the dog chases after me, I have a plan if I were to break of some sausages the dog will go for the sausages and I can make a quick escape. My plan worked but as I came to the end of the alleyway I only had two sausages left. I find a box with a small hole in the front, it is getting cold, dark and it is raining. I jump in through the hole and start to eat bits of the sausage saving some for the morning. In the morning I ate the rest of the sausage and set of to find home. Nearly getting run over, I ran across the slippery road once I was across the road I recognised a familiar smell. It smelt like Buster! I was happy that I found Buster going out for his morning walk because then I could follow him home. But as I followed him his owner pushed me away saying " shoo, shoo." I have lost my chances. How am I ever going to get home now?

Hugo Where stories live. Discover now