Trip Down Memory Lane

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I shouldn't have left Noah like that, maybe I should go back-NO! No Yasmine you can't go back now.

I climbed over the gate and carried on walking to the place. It was just how I remembered it, I hadn't been there in 4 years.
I was going to the place where I met Ethan.

The place we would both go to secretly smoke or to get high.

I reached to the tree where I would always go. The tree was so old and it was a massive oak tree but was hidden by bushes and that was why I liked it here, you were hidden by all.
On the floor were cigarette packets buried into the soil and you could just see the top of the packet.

I looked around but Ethan was nowhere to be seen.
"Ethan?" I whispered.

There was no answer but a whistle. A whistle from a song that I always listened to.


I turned around and I saw a shadowy figure come out from the bushes.
The whistling sound got louder and I saw him step out from the darkness.

Ethan looked up at me with his black hoodie on and he had a small soft smile on his face.

I sighed from relief as I ran into his arms and gave him a tight hug.
I stayed in his arms for a while and I could still smell the smoke on his hoodie. He hadn't worn it since the last time we were here.

He pulled away and looked at me confused. He slightly lifted my hoodie and looked at my waist, seeing marks on me.

When he saw that, anger took control of him.
"Did He do that?" He asked referring to Noah.
I nodded.

"Why would you let him sleep with you Yaz?"
I sighed "Because I am supposed to be with Noah."

He didn't respond back but I knew he was still pissed off.

"You didn't argue with Noah when he-"
"No. He doesn't know that you were at the club but he found out that we were there." I said and he nodded.

He kept his head low and just shrugged.
"I know why you're here." He sighed with a sad look on his face.

I raised my eyebrow "You do?"
He nodded "Yeah, you wanna leave me don't you?"

Ethan let go of me and he turned away, putting his head in his hands.
"What? No." I said and I tried to get him to face me.

"I wouldn't leave you." I said.
He wouldn't even face me and he kept looking away.

"Well you're still with him." He spoke out.
"That's because I can't hurt him too."

"If I didn't care about you then I wouldn't have walked out on Noah But it's been you, it's always been you."
He didn't respond.

I sighed and I started walking away.

I heard footsteps behind me and before I knew it, I got swept off my feet and my lips attached to his.
I wrapped my legs around his waist and put my arms around the back of his neck.

We both pulled away at the same time and he tried to get his breath.
"I love you too." He said.
"But I never said it." I Laughed.

"But I knew you were thinking it." He softly smiled and a chuckle escaped his lips.
I smiled "Well I do, I do love you."

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