The Lunar eclipes

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"Who is  it " wondered Sunniva.

*Opens door*

"Sunniva are you ready."  asked 

"  YA lets go!." smiled  Sunniva  "Bye mom."

* The wall*

"It's finally time."

"Shhh... it's starting"

"The Alignment."

As the moons shadow  engulfs the planet and blocks the sun, the wall slowly disappears  and in its place a city. A city as white as the moon, which sparkles under the moon light. As always its dark  as night with lots of stars.

"The Alignment" said the baker in aw.

"It's a beautiful sight" said a teacher.

People suddenly, families are united, I say my dad but not my sister. I began walking around where the wall use to be and found something unbelievable. I say Hala stuffed between a wall, which is impossible, I also found a note that said.

"Find me if you can and discover your destiny."

I showed the note to my mother and father but their faces said otherwise.

"Sunniva, I need to tell you something," said mother

The first thing that popped into mind was OMG, am I in trouble but it was something else. Something dark.

"This note was from your grandmother, you see you and your sister are very special, and it seems like your grandmother started something she shouldn't have." Said, my mom,

'Special there's no way I'm special' that's what I thought but then it hit me.

"Does it have to do with the sun and moon?" I asked curiously.

My mom and dad nodded in unison,

"Yes" my dad answered

"The sun never seems to bother you, nor and your sister can see in the dark. This isn't normal for kids, their is a reason for that." he stated.

"Reason, the reason is because I have high heat tolerance, even spicy food don't  seem so spicy to me." I argued back "

"It means that you control the sun and your sister controls the moon." my mom answered

"It's a tradition that the daughter in your mother's family inherit the powers of the sun and moon." said my father

"But it's the first time there were two daughters and they both inherited the powers." said my mom completing the sentence.

" Oh, and it's weirder that they were both born on the two eclipses and look alike" I added

"Yes," Both said in unison.

"I'm not believing this, so where is  grandmother in this?" I asked

"It is your grandmother's job to help you control your power, but she went missing centuries ago. This note means that she's still alive, but she didn't kill Hala. Something else is amiss Here, after all, if your sister has died the moon and Moon city would have disappeared." said my mom

"Um so Hala's alive and that body was fake?" I asked

"Yes"said my mom

Well I need...

"Proof" interrupted mom, "just say fire bolt, or shine, just don't burn the house." 


All of a sudden a little ball of fire appeared in my hand, but after awhile it disappeared.

"I'm willing to believe this story" I said

"Good, cause your staying in the  Moon City with me, that way you learn how to use the moon side of your powers." replayed my father.

"HUH?!" I yelled

"Ok by me but your sister isn't dead so please try and find her while you're at it." My mom asked

"Sure thing," I said, "but how will i go, once your at a side u can't leave"

"Unless it's an eclipse well since u have the suns power you can travel between the wall. 

Some how I agreed. 

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